What Causes Painful Lump In The Right Thigh?
as explained in details.
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Thanks for your query.
To recapitulate: Female/67 - visited Doctor - suffered from painful lump in the right thigh - 2 years ago - developed a large lump - approximately 3'' across - not painful - although mildly sore - aching at times - thinks of local lymphedema - wants to know what would cause this...
My thoughts with explanations:
- Localized lymphedema like this is not known to occur unless it is extension from below (leg and foot).
- Very painful cramp must have caused the muscle to form a large hematoma which remained organized to be palpable, the way you have explained.
Another possibilities are:
- Rupture of the muscle capsule to form a herniation of the muscles.
- diffuse lipomatosis
- Hemangioma and such rare causes also to be considered.
I would advise you the following in such a condition as the problem is 2 years old and you have a large lump that has persisted:
- High resolution Ultrasonography of the thigh along with color doppler mode will diagnosed at most of the times, rarely needing the MRI to confirm the diagnosis
- If a mass is found, you may insist for FNAC (fine needle aspiration cytology) to confirm the diagnosis.
- Clinical evaluation and examination by a General Surgeon will further help to get a confirmed diagnosis, correlate the investigations findings and to plan any treatment if required.
I hope this answer helps you, please feel free to ask for further relevant queries if you feel that there is a gap of communication.
Yes, it can
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Surely, yes. A combination of Ultrasound, preferably MRI as it gives better idea and FNAC and biopsy in doubtful cases will surely help to rule out sarcoma.
You are most welcome.
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