What Causes Painful Swelling Of The Foreskin Of Penis?
is there any type drugstore cream I can use?
It appears to be balanitis, follow the measures as suggested.
Detailed Answer:
Hello and thanks for your query.
I shall make an effort to provide you with good professional recommendations specific to your questions.
Based on the information provided it appears you may be suffering from balanitis, which s swelling of the foreskin or head of the penis.
Causes include, injury, poor hygiene and irritation like not rinsing soap completely off of your penis after showering and using scented soaps to clean the penis, etc.
I would suggest you to avoid using irritants such as perfumed soap, lotion, or powder. I would have initial adviced you to use medicated anti-itch cream, this cream works to stop the itching and inflammation. These are over the counter medication you can use any one of them.
As I have not examined you, it is difficult to decide on putting you on antibiotic, so would suggest you to follow above measures and if it still persists I insist you to see doctor for examination and further help.
Yet again, I duly appreciate your query to me, I do hope that have found something useful to help you and I shall be glad to answer any further apprehensions.