What Causes Painful Urination While On Antibiotics?

I have contacted you many times reg my health. Now i have pain some time before urinating and some time after in my penis I went for a urine culture and it was found ecoli and inwas under antibiotic for 10 days and before antibiotic pain was high and now its low. I am a anxity person and i have a fear towards cancer in bladder now. As due to streas i am more disturbed and can anxity make pain of feal. Pls help me
You can get an ultrasound scan abdomen done if there is anxiety
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Dear Sir,
Thanks for writing in.
You had a urinary infection which is likely cured after taking 10 days antibiotics.
The pain will take some time to disappear completely.
Now you should drink adequate amounts of water and fluids (2 to 3 litres a day) and pass urine as required. Do not hold your urine for longer than 3 hours in the day. At night holding urine during sleep is not required.
Cancer is unlikely to be there because the culture report confirms a bacterial infection.
There is chances of cancer only in people who have unexplained and usually painless bleeding during urination.
Still if you feel anxiety, please get a ultrasound scan abdomen and pelvis with post void residue urine volume done. Most likely the test report will be normal.
Hope your query is answered.
Please do write back if you have any doubts.

My son is doing 10 th and his exam starts in 18 and completes on next 8 so if some thing wrong it would disturb his studies and so i dont want to go for any diogness. As per your experiance will pain alone can be a sypmtom of cancer. And you have mentioned in your old msg pain to subside will take some time why so pain what may be the reason for pain. Took norflox 400 and nutrofotrion. 2 tab a day. Can stress give body pain and discomfort .
Pain and inflammation is there due to infection
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Hi Sir,
Thanks for writing back with an update.
The problem is that bacteria has caused inflammation of the urinary organs and this is causing pain. It takes time to heal and pain will be there for a week.
Pain for few days is less likely to be cancer and usually cancers do not have pain as first symptom. There is bleeding in urine.
Norflox 400 and nitrofurantoin is one of the best treatment for urinary infections, however cefixime would be a good choice because your urine culture and sensitivity test result mentions it.
Stress can cause a lot of symptoms and please be free from stress and anxiety.
You can do the ultrasound scan after your son completes exam.

Can stress cause body tieredness and i feel so tiered and pain in muscels and i always think and brows about cancer symptoms. Pls help me
Please avoid stress and do complete health check up
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Anxiety and stress causes tiredness.
Please do 30 minutes meditation every day in the morning.
Think positively about your health.
It is good to do a complete health check up for peace of mind.

Dontbmistake me. I am attaching my penis photo i have red pimple over it. What may be the reason and what medicine can i take or oinment to come out of it. Pls help me can it be cured. What reason
Is there any itching or pain in the pimple
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The image is little blurred. Anyways please let me know if there is any itching or pain in the pimple. Also please tell from when you are having it.

No ithing is there or pain. Tight to move in the skin. This photo raken today
It will heal quickly
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Hi Sir,
Thanks for writing in.
You might have mild balanitis and this is not a serious problem.
After consulting your doctor, you can start on oral doxycylcine for few days.
Your pimple will resolve quickly.
Please take care and maintain genital hygiene and wear cotton inner wear. You should avoid tight inner wear in summer.

Pls reply immidietly. If i am in anxity will it make the body toered and feel painfull. I have a fear still. Pls help. Legs pain. Feal of bladder cancer. Will this belantis give mild burning while urinating .
Anxiety causes tiredness and pain in legs
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Thanks for writing in.
Anxiety is the commonest cause for symptoms like feeling tired and pain in legs.
You should stop worrying about cancer.
Balanitis can cause mild irritation when urinating but usually will not cause it in every patient.

I gave been worring about cancer for past 2 momths and now on bladder. I read on net more and can there be a bladder cancer without blood in urine. If its there will pain will b there some time and it comes and goes pls dont mistake me reply asap .
There is no fixed pattern of pain for cancer or urine infection.
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Thanks for writing back.
Bladder cancer without blood in urine can be there but it is not common.
There is no fixed pattern of pain for cancer or urine infection.
However since you had e coli infection and are feeling better with antibiotics treatment so the chances of cancer is not there.
I will wait for your ultrasound scan report and likely that will also be normal

Dont mistake me. Can this Balanties cause mild discomfort or pain always even when sittingor cancer cause this symptoms. Is bladder cancer now curable and life span
Bladder cancer has good cure when detected early.
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Thanks for writing back.
Balanitis can cause mild discomfort at times.
Cancer in bladder will not cause symptoms of balanitis.
Bladder cancer has good cure when detected early.

My dought is will bladder cancer give discomfort in penis always as its there bcs to reassure the discomfort is bcs of cancer in bladder or balanties as u have not confirmed it balanties. Attached 3 more snaps of today .
Your penis pictures show improvement and therefore you should stop thinking
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Bladder cancer is something that is not visible from out side and only a test like ultrasound scan or cystoscopy will show it.
Bladder cancer will not cause symptoms in the penis.
Your penis pictures show improvement and therefore you should stop thinking about cancer.

I had pain while urinating in penis but now i have discomfort or mild burning feel always in my penis. Can u see the penis redish spots and i pee by moving out my skin so there is no pain while urintating now but some discomfort always. Will this b there bcs of bladder or urither. I am more thankful in my life to u for replying me. Pls help
Bladder cancer is not causing your symptoms.
Detailed Answer:
Hi Sir,
Thanks for writing back.
The pain which you had in penis earlier was from the urinary infection and with treatment the pain disappeared. The discomfort is also from the same reason due to infection changes in the urethra and it can stay for about a week or 10 days. It will disappear when recovery from infection is complete.
The balanitis is an inflammation due to many causes including infection. The red spots are showing improvement and you should not worry.
Bladder cancer is not causing your symptoms.

Discuss with your doctor and take Citralka or Alkasol syrup
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Please drink adequate amount of water and pass urine when you get urge.
Discuss with your doctor and take Citralka or Alkasol syrup with water 3 times a day for 5 days.

I took antibiotic for 10 days and i took my urine culture not my first urine. I took my afternoon urine will it be correct and also doest my photo look like belanties for u. I tried my urine routine for more than 4 times it all was notmal only in culture after 1 month it showed me ecoli. My mind says will it b wrong is balanties seen in photo what inhave sent u .
it is healing well
Detailed Answer:
The picture shows area of balanitits which is healing well.

I kindly request you to reply asap. I went for usg abdomen and all are normal. Still i have pain while urination what may b the reason. Yet to meet my urologist. Usg abdomen done by sonologist and not by radiologist .
Sonologist report is usually acceptable
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Ultrasound scan abdomen being normal is good news.
The pain can be from anxiety, mild infection in the urethra or you are not drinking good amount of water.
It is summer and you should drink adequate liquids if you are going outdoors.
Usually sonologist is trained well and will not miss any finding in ultrasound scan.

I have uploaded the report. I have mild pain in lower abdomen and is a sonologiest is a MbBs Dr and will the fining b correct.Dont mistake me. Reply asap
Your report is not available in the list of uploaded documents.
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Hi Sir,
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Your report is not available in the list of uploaded documents.
Request you to upload again and confirm.

Your ultrasound report is completely normal.
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Hi Sir,
Thanks for writing back.
The kidneys are normal in size.
The prostate is normal.
The urinary bladder wall is normal. There is no stone or cancer like features.
Pre void and post void volumes are normal.
Your ultrasound report is completely normal.

Dont mistake me. I am in more tention pls reply me soon. I feel some disconfort in penis always. Is white patch a syptom of penual cancer. No lump
Please do not think of cancer
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You might have a condition called non specific urethritis and this can cause discomfort in penis. The urologist can make a diagnosis after clinical examination and usually it is treated be a short course of antibiotics. Culture is usually negative in this situation.
White patches in penis is usually from allergy or fungal infection. Cancer is rare and you should not think of it.

Pls reply asap. See there a pink patch. What is the reason. Pls help me
It looks like irritation over penis due to friction
Detailed Answer:
Hi Sir,
Thanks for writing back.
The pink patch is likely due to friction over the penis and will get back to normal soon. Please wear loose cotton inner wear and avoid touching your penis except when you are passing urine or taking bath.

Attached my cbc report. Pls say certine thighs are elevated. Why it may .
The values which are in the abnormal range are not significant.
Detailed Answer:
Hi Sir,
Thanks for writing back with an update.
Your basic blood counts are normal and the values which are in the abnormal range are not significant.
There is no risk of any illness like cancer from your reports.

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