What Causes Passing Of Stools With Outer Shells Of Potassium Capsules?
need to check with your doctor
Detailed Answer:
Hello and thanks for your question.
It is true that some tablets are made in such a way that the active ingredient diffuses out of it during the process of passing through your system. In these types of pills you will often see the pill in your stool, but the active medication has been absorbed.
Ask your doctor if this is the type of potassium that you have been prescribed. If so then it is no problem.
If this is not the type pill you have been prescribed then it may mean that you are not getting the potassium and that the pill is passing through without you getting the benefit of the medication. This could be a problem if you need the potassium in your system.
It may be a problem with a pill but it may also mean that you are not absorbing other nutrients and it could mean that there are some digestive issues going on.
Ask your doctor about the pill and let them know what is going on.
Dr. Robinson