What Causes Penile Bleeding?
Needs to rule out Enlarged Prostate.
Detailed Answer:
Hello Thanks for your query,Based on the facts that you have posted you have nocturnal frequency since 3-4 years and noticed blood stains on your inner wares since last 2 days.
Considering your age this could be mostly due to enlarged prostate or cancer of the prostate.
Please consult qualified Urologist for clinical and digital rectal examination and get following basic tests done to confirm the diagnosis.
1)Urine routine and urine culture.
2)Ultrasound scanning of the abdomen and Trans Rectal Ultrasound scanning (TRUS)
3) Serum PSA.
4) Endoscopic examination of bladder (Cystoscopy)
In the mean while start taking broad spectrum antibiotics like Cefixime and urinary antiseptic like Nitrofurantoin twice daily .
Further treatment will depend upon results of these tests and final diagnosis,
Ensure to rink more water to keep your urine dilute.
Hope I have answered your query.Please feel free to ask if you have more questions I shall be happy to help you.
Thanks and Regards.
What are the possibilities (probabilities) of:
1. Enlarged Prostate?
2. Urinary Tract infection?
3. Prostate cancer?
4. Something else? If so, what?
TRUS Detects Lesion in prostate precisely.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up.
Trans Rectal ultrasound scanning detects any lesion in prostate precisely.
The reason for bleeding and nature of pathology can be found out and confirmed only by doing these investigations .
Thanks and Regards.
Blood from penis could be due to any of the four.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up.
Blood from penis could be due to any of the four lesions that you have mentioned. Precise nature and possibility or probability can be confirmed only on clinical examination and by doing these tests.
Thanks and Regards.