What Causes Persistent Fatigue, Sore Throat, Chills And Bone Pain?
7 days of fatigue, chills, bone pain, feeling viral, sore throat, no chest congestion or fever!
Likely upper respiratory tract infection and may need antibiotics
Detailed Answer:
Hi! Welcome to Healthcaremagic. Thanks for sharing your concerns with us. We will try to help you in best way possible. First of all it's sad to know what you had been going through lately.
Based on the history you have shared, though it favors more towards viral infection involving upper respiratory tract and body aches can be due to the same and it's good that no fever spikes are being experienced but since one week history with persistance of symptoms and no resolution, it may need antibiotics after detailed examination by primary care physician or ENT specialist and baseline blood work up like complete blood picture to look for any rise in white cell count and other inflammatory markers monitoring may be needed and if any subclinical signs of worsening appear on the work up it may need preliminary antibiotics like coamoxiclav or azithromycin.
Meanwhile OTC analgesics like acetaminophen or Ibuprofen can be continued with anti histamines like cetrizine or loratidine and steam inhalations as well as XXXXXXX warm saline water gargles be helpful.
A chest X-ray if symptoms persist or worsen can be considered. Meanwhile avoid direct cold exposure as well as avoiding greasy, oily, or sour foods and fizzy cold drinks.
Wishing you a speedy recovery. Hope this has answered your query. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Regards