What Causes Persistent Sinus Infection?
Consider a physical exam to check what is really going on.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for using Healthcaremagic to post your question.
I read it carefully and I understand your concern.
Recurrent problems in the sinuses come either from an infection which hasn't been treated well and as a result the infection becomes chronic (usually the first infections) or from kongenital or earned structural problems in the nose chanals. People who have allergies may have frequent infections too. So basically, if there other factors who predispose to having frequent infections.
The blood in your nose may be from a damage of one of the blood vesels in that side of nose because of the mucosa who is thinner and more delicate in some people comparing with others. Also there may be a foreign body.
Both your questions can be completely answered by a physical exam to your local doctor who will check the nose area and the sinus entrance and determine if there is any structural abnormalities or else.
I hope this is helpful.
Let me know if you need more clarifications.