What Causes Persistent Vomiting, Flatulence And Foul Smelling Stool In A Child?
Our baby girl is 3 months old now. Now her length is 57 CM, Weight 5.2 KG.
Are the length and weight good enough for a 3-month girl?
She is vomiting very frequently (sometimes it looks like water, milk and curd). She farts sometimes. Her stools smell bad.
We consulted a doctor when she was a month old, he suggested “stool for reducing substances” test. The test came positive.
The doctor suggested a formula and asked us to give formula mild on and off, and reduce breast milk. But we gave formula only for a week or so, after that we are just giving breast milk.
I’ve attached the test reports and doctor’s prescription here. Please suggest us?
Thank you.
No need to worry
Detailed Answer:
I understand your concerns but don't worry. The symptoms are perfectly normal variations seen in early infancy. This doesn't need any unnecessary investigation and treatment as suggested by your pediatrician. I totally disagree with the management done by your pediatrician especially the advice of formula feeds. Reducing substance in stools happens when baby ingest excess foremilk which is rich in lactose. So, ensure proper breastfeeding with both fore milk and hind milk.
Your babies weight, length is appropriate for age but best correlation needs to be done with birth weight and length. Also, send me the head circumference for complete growth assessment.
At present, just continue with exclusive breastfeeding followed by proper burping. Ensure a gap of at least 1.5 to 2 hours in between feeds. This will help in pseudo diarrhea of infancy, farts and vomiting. Avoid any medications, water, gripe water or other pacifiers.
Hopefully it will be of help. Send me her birth parameters and head circumference.
Take care
At birth (39 weeks of pregnancy)
Length - 45cm, Weight – 2.7kg, head circumference – 31cm.
Now (3 months)
Length – 57cm, weight – 5.2kg, Head circumference – 38cm.
Approximately she is going to sleep at 12AM and waking up at 7AM. My wife is not feeding her in between. Is it ok if we don’t feed her for 7-8 hours in the night? Mostly baby is not crying in the night after sleep.
Is it safe to use Nasoclear saline nasal spray to clear the nose?
We are giving just D to the baby regularly.
Should we not give domstal syrup also (this is suggested by a doctor for vomiting)?
These are the following medicine suggested by the doctor
Colimex drops for stomach pain. (we used this)
Neopeptine for digestion. (we used this)
Neosmile lactase enzyme drops. (gave only for couple of days)
Isomil formula feed (we will not use this)
Bevon multivitamin (should we stop this?)
Bifilac for motions (we didn’t give it)
Should we not use any of these medicine?
Growth is good
Detailed Answer:
The growth is good. You just need to give Vitamin D drops daily and nasoclear drops if needed for blocked nose. All the rest is not needed as your baby is growing well. Just ensure regular breastfeeding (including 1-2 times at night) with burping. All these symptoms gradually improve as the baby grows.
Take care
My parents are doing massage/stretching to the baby before bath and while bath. Is it ok?
Is it ok to use diaper daily night? My parents are discouraging it.
Early morning sunexposure good
Detailed Answer:
Early morning sun exposure with soft sunrays is good but not the ones after 10 am. massage is good especially in winters. Diapers can be used regularly. But ensure regular change of damp diapers and clean the bottoms with damp cotton or wipes at change. Ensure air drying and think petroleum jelly application on area before next diaper to avoid diaper rashes.