What Causes Presence Of Water In The Brain?

Please provide more information.
Detailed Answer:
Hello and thanks for using HealthcareMagic.
I have read your question and understand your concerns.
First is necessary to provide the MRI of the spine report in order to understand better your condition. please share the reports here, you can simply upload/attach them at the reports section of this web page.
It is also necessary to provide more information about your symptoms that may be related to spine dislocation/instability, such any pain, numbness, weakness of extremities, any changes in symptoms when lying and being active, etc.
Brain water, or ( if I understood correctly ) liquorrea (leakage of cerebrospinal fluid), happens mainly in cranial base fractures after significant trauma.
MRI is not as specific as a CT scan with thin cuts in assessing any fractured bone of the skull.
Also, about any dislocation, X-rays ( dynamic X-rays if the spine is the area suspected) are necessary to get a correct assessment.
If any fracture or dislocation is diagnosed, surgery is strongly indicated.
Most cases that undergo surgery about these conditions, result in satisfactory outcomes since there are no significant neurological deficits prior to surgery.
Hope you found the answer helpful.
Awaiting more information.....

In my incident 23 April 2012 all my muscles and ligaments relaxed and I went floppy. I had no idea I had been spiked but my housemates kept thinking it was funny to do that. I was on my back with the man inside me. I felt my tailbone hurt and now it feels like at least some of it is not there. My sacroiliac joints stretched and my pelvis flexed open. My hips were curved up and there was pain in my lumbar and a snapping feeling. My cervix then dilated and he entered by cervix, and there was a feeling like a plunger in my lower abdomen as he moved and a tearing sensation deep inside. He moved his pelvis from side to side and I felt my spine go out of place to the side, centre, other side and centre. He rolled my back up and all the soft tissues around my sound stretched, until I was on my shoulders. He pushed down and I felt a and I felt my neck hurt and then my neck was bent from the middle of my neck to the right with my at an angle.
He left.
I was unable to move anything but my arms. I was at risk from my housemates and couldn't reach the phone. I reasoned that whatever was keeping me floppy would only last so long and that I had to put my neck back into place before the muscles tightened and kept it there, so I used my hands to click it back into place, getting it centre left to right but it was slightly forward and I could feel pressure there.
After the drug wore off somewhat I could move and forced myself to get up. I was shaking uncontrollably and in terrible pain, my abdomen was swelling. I could feel a leaking sensation at the lumbar injury and a feeling like fluid pouring down my muscles either side of my back very similar to the sensation of an ankle sprain but bigger.
My cervix was still inverted. I have multiple personality and was stuck in a young child personality in total shock. I could not speak well to describe what had happened.
After clinging to a doorframe shaking for many hours I rested in bed and rang mum the next day saying 'mummy doctor'. She told the doc there was nothing wrong with me. My cervix dropped down on the way and the doc found nothing and didn't examine my back.
Started waking with 6' wooden staff to assist and short stick causes pain at neck.
Rested in bed with cushions alighting spine. Ab would swell and deflate when I urinated only to swell again.
Man continued to visit and injected me many times with heroin. Tried seeing doctor, back stiff, they said you are waking it is not an emergency. The shaking went on for weeks especially if I tried to sit or stand, bed rested approx 6 weeks, tremendous pain whole time until I told my brain I knew and to stop sending me pain signals then it lessened.
During this time sense of leaking continued and sense of flow in spine decreased. Exhaustion. Periodic swelling above injury at neck. Spine inside dry and tingly. Mobility vastly decreased. Got through this by painting honey on spine, improving mobility and lessening pain.
Clicking sound periodically coming from head with tic of soft pallete, sense of fluid moving? Lymph?
First lumbar MRI, see photo.
Continued, physio terrified and unhelpful. Theorised that fluid problem was pressure on spinal cord at neck injury as it was still out if place. Sense of leak at lumber seemed to heal and stop.
After 11.5 months neck MRI. 3 days before scan it clicked back into place on its own, fluid flow improved but still low. Fluid build up above neck injury with big swelling at top of neck/base of skull, much pressure in head and loss of function and world spinning - relieved by chiropractor so I could get to scan. Chiropractor terrified. Bubbling sensation and sucking sound coming from neck. Scan, see photo. At time of scan if I was sitting or standing I could not straighten neck or upper back and neck has S bend where it shouldn't. Radiologist aligned neck v slowly laying it down 1 vertebra at a time until it was straight then did scan.
Results inconclusive called 'normal', no treatment.
Chronic pain, exhaustion, shooting pains down legs, periodic re dislocation and relocation causing pain swelling leak at lumbar causing world spinning and collapse, difficulty walking- healed with weeks of bedrest many times.
Car accident 2013- shouted from behind, excruciating pain in neck, shooting pains down arms, lumbar pain, vomiting, swelling above injury at neck and pressure in head which I relieved as had been shown and world spinning, A&E ignored my warnings and did nothing.
2014 injury after drug date rape, and stopped responding, couldn't walk upright despite support of staff, swelling and pain at lumbar.
Emergency MRI showed bulging disc and surrounding swelling, and a major nerve to the right leg damaged ('thinned'?) but they said not enough for emergency surgery. Given codeine and sent home.
All this time problems with tenderness of midspine, and times when my vertebrae would splay until I could fit the whole of my finger lengthways in the gap in the middle- excruciating pain. Honey on spine and bedrest would lessen this. It would get worse if I tried to bend.
Repeated chronic exhaustion, with inability to move or make body respond at all for up to hours at a time until rested enough to move again: put on folic acid 5mg daily after blood test showed too low. Collapsing and soaking vertebrae and dry feeling in spine much reduced and mobility improved, have been on folic acid ever since.
Dislocation of lumbar again- pain below injury, swelling of area beneath injury around bum and splaying of all vertebrae beneath injury until I couldn't sit, with sense of no fluid flow to area. Relocation stopped problem, vertebra return to normal within 4 hours of relocation and swelling eased over next week,
A couple of falls both resulted in severe lumbar and neck pain, immobility, shooting pains down arms, difficult lifting even a mug of water, lack of ability to move legs due to swelling, shooting pains down legs.
2015 spring much problem with head clicking- my theory is that there is not enough CSF pressure in head for glymphatic system to clear/function properly and lymph build up like goo then suddenly moved and the valves in the ducts pulse as the viscous fluid goes past. Headaches, much sucking clicking noises accompanied by vagueness and exhaustion. Extreme pain top centre of head. Ability to function much lessened over many weeks until barely able to function at all. Many recordings audio and video made of symptoms.
Saw neurologist- v skeptical of my history as no proof. Said it could be infection but he was going to order a scan and 'prove it clear' Performed pushing thumbs into soft part at back of skull either side. Afterwards sense of inflation of ventricles and much clear cellular goo coming out of my nose and healing crisis unable to function 3 days.
14 days later MRI of head cervical and thoracic - told 'normal' never given results.
Discharged from neurology without any further investigation.
Also another time attended A&E with severe selling above neck injury and much clicking of head. As I sat there I turned me head and felt something turn inside my neck with great pain. Consultant took my head in both hands and wrenched it in opposite direction and I felt the rotating thing go back into place. He ignored the swelling and discharged me.
On an everyday basis I rest a lot. I rest if it hurts. I swim gently for physio or do gentle yoga, ride ex bike. Any executive involving impact provoked swelling, pain, and after a while shooting pains down my legs, loss of ability to move legs, particularly the right will go out from under me if I dance or walk, and when it hurts I am bent over like an old woman and can't straighten up and have to hand on to staff walls or others to walk.
When I rest if I put my hands on my chest they go numb or tingle. My neck aches. If I control the energies around my injuries with shamanic practice I am in less pain, however I am often aching at lumber and neck. (Please envision these areas sealed and free of intrusion and I will be in less pain) If I sit for a few minutes in one position my legs go numb and I have to move them with my hands. Sitting is most painful so I tend to lie or stand. If I am forced to sit for hours in a waiting room I am in agony and I lose the ability to get up or walk.
I have to do what suits my body,
I am very sad because I used to go on long walk and dance for hours- I was a pro performer, a singer musician and dancer. Not getting fit enough to sing and stand and move or hold a guitar is too hard. My voice no longer functions the same way because the muscles in my neck are either compensating for injury or too out of alignment to hold the powerful performance of my uni days. It's like being told to drive a car and not go above 3rd gear :(
I'm afraid that over years of repeated dislocation the soft tissue damage will get worse as it has got worse over the 5 years.
I have extraordinary PTSD in the form of dissociative identity disorder which is multiple personality and out of body experiences. I had near death experiences starting about 15 months old and much abuse in childhood and adulthood. I think my brain probably produces a lot of DMT and maybe that's why I managed to walk.
My anxiety is terrible and hard wired.
I am afraid of surgery and want to know what is for the best as am aware that where my injuries are is where most nerves are joining the spine.
I am allergic to piercings including titanium and worried about any structures that might be implanted to assist me rejecting badly.
I am on many herbal medications and avoid the use of opiates as far as I can, only using codeine in emergencies.
Here in England services gather together to cover things up about people, especially if there are histories of psychological distress. I am tired of being fobbed off to my detriment and stressed out by people who do not believe I can possibly exist. I know I am probably an anomaly, that to be in my condition and to be able to function is improbable, but I swear it is dissociation that keeps me functioning.
Is it possible for you to write to my GP/old neurologist once we have talked and advise them a course of action, and make them listen?
A lot of what I have told you I have never had opportunity or safety to say to them.
Dynamic X-rays are necessary also.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back and thanks for the additional information, sorry to hear about what you had to go through.
I have read your MRI reports too.
Basically, MRI's are performed lying and are of limited values when it comes to symptoms related to body positions.
Fortunately, there are no damages found by your cervical spine MRI.
Degenerative changes and discs bulges found by the lumbosacral MRI could result in symptoms such back pain that may spread to the leg(s) too.
Since there are symptoms mainly when you are in the upright position or when you become active, instability of your spine should be considered too.
Dynamic X-rays ( neutral, flexed and extended position ) of your spine are necessary to investigate further this possibility.
In my opinion, with the current MRI results, there is no need for surgical procedures, if there will be found any instabilities after x-rays, only then surgery should be considered.
There were no cerebrospinal fluid abnormalities found by MRI's, so, don't worry about.
In case of no stability issues after dynamic X-rays, conservative treatment with NSAID drugs, physical therapy and/or epidural injections should be considered.
You can show the Neurologist our online discussions.
Hope I helped you.
Kind regards.

The more recent ones I am thinking to see if I can get the scripts to send you however this will take time. I suspect there is more to know but they arent saying. I agree that a great part of the problem is that they are only seeing the lying down position on my back, and there has never yet been a scan whike it was dislocated. The S bend in my neck is apparent when I am vertical.
At times when it hurts again at the lumbar the disc at L4? Bulges dramatically and there is much swelling.
Just because CSF is apparently there in my spine doesnt mean that its flow rate isn't less as I feel it to be. Many times the dryness and soreness insude and ths pricking sensation and loss of mobility is an issue. Many times it has leaked at lumbar and neck with sense of exhaustion and loss of function requiring much bed rest to heal. At times when it is low I feel a sensation of a tiny place in the base of my brain where CSF cones from hurt and struggle. It's like I feel it switching on and off.
Am I potentially correct about my theory of low CSF->lack of glympatic clearing-> waste product build up-> head lymph in low fuction? Especially considering that things insode my brain had deflated when I gad the infection?
And bluntly, am I correct that for a spine to dislocate it must be broken to be loose?
I feel strongly that what happens to me would not be possible if it weren't for damage. My lumbar is flattened and goes completely flat if the muscles around my injury relax. It is held curved by shortened overcompensating long major muscles either side of spine (forgot the name but physio sad this was obvious to her)
What is 'posterior annular fissuring'?- lumbar
What is a 'paracentral disc' - cervical?
Surely these things prove something is abnormal.
As far as I am concerned I have been wandering around with a broken neck and lumbar for 5 years and nobody has done anything about it. My neck used to be straight and I could hold my head up straight and hold my whole neck back to sing. Now to appear straight I have to lean backwards in the chest. My neck is not straight anymore. It hurts all the time. I am no longer well
As I warned you that neck MRI I sent you was a total set up.
I want to know what I have to do and what I have to say or ask for to get the doctors to look for the damage I experienced/ still experience instead of what they assume can and cannot be possible.
The scripts I have provided to you are misleading, and I know they are.
What are people looking for and how to look for the injuries I have described to you? What would you expect to see?
Instability of your spine to be considered.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.
Annular fissuring means a small aperture in the outermost part of the intervertebral disc, that corresponds to first stages of herniated disc disease.
Paracentral means a widening of the disc (or bulge) n the middle, or central part of the spine, towards the spinal cord.
These findings may justify some of the symptoms, mainly pain.
As we discussed before, dynamic X-rays provide valuable information about any instability of the spine.
From you description, instability should be considered and evaluated further.
Please provide the additional reports of your MRI's.

As on bere I can only contact you within 3 days if you last answering, how can I contact yoy later please?
Thank you for definitions, that is very useful.,
The disc in my lumbar has at times moved ohtwards and bulged. I wonder whether the MRI they took in that energency where my anus had stopped responding; it might show vertebrae being forced apart bt the swellung at all. They certainly wouldnt have told me. They glossed over everything, refused to give details and sent me home on codeine...
In my neck that disc they scanned was just after it relocated, so swelling then makes sense.
That disc is the one that rotates at times. It is where mt neck went snap and bent sideways in the middle... These days that area cant taje the weight of my head and bends inwards like a sharp corner if I try to pull my head up.
I know you are probably being diplolmatic/careful what you say, and you probabky are bewaring to suggest a diagnosis reflecting what I experienced, however I am certain of what I have experienced and I need to talk basic theory with you:
Please will you answer my question:
In theory, does the spine have to be broken to dislocate? (That is, for the whole of one vertebra to slide and shift from alignment with the next by up to several millimeters left or right or forward into the belly as i frequently experience and have to relocate- this is far more than a wobble).
How is a broken spine clinically defined?
What exactly breaks and how is it recognised?
Please teach me! Fear and self pity are long gone. I knew i was broken when it happened.
I need you to be brave enough to honour me with honesty as far as you can fell me what you know at this time. Just tell me the truth. After five years of hell and successfully psychologically and physically nursing myself there absolutely nothing that would XXXXXXX me and I feel I deserve truth, facts and the naked knowledge of the possibilities. The only things that can truly set me free are knowledge, the acceptance of others for my truth, and necessary medicine.
Teach me, I need to know if contemporary medical thought can process that I exist.
In pure meditation I have sense so much about my body, tiny things about processes and the relationships of systems. My life has become notjing but medicine- plants, body, soul medicine, psychology. In my heart I habe the seed of the spirit of medicine, and my perception is becoming more detailed all the time. I live the light of the path.
Trust me, respect me please- i am more like you than you can know.
Further evaluation about instability is necessary.
Detailed Answer:
Hello again.
About your question, small dislocations don't need necessarily a broken spine.
Significant dislocations ( that produce moderate to severe symptoms too and are clearly visible on imaging studies ) are associated with fracture of vertebrae, or spine articulations.
Once again, dynamic x-rays are necessary to evaluate these dislocations ( spondylolysthesis).
MRI is done lying, and is not so specific when it comes to bones structures visualization.
CT scan and x-rays are the imaging studies that give the best information about bones structures, any fracture, fissures or instabilities.
If CT scan and dynamic x-rays don't show any fracture, instability, we can say that there's no such thing as instability of your spine.
Hope I helped you so far.
Take care.

I can tell you are skeptical.
Tjings have been clicking the last days, shufting slightly but ot too bad.
Will think about other thinds later.
Just for now, how do i contact you directly on this app after I have waited for my records or MRI's?
It may take a while and if I just ask a question another doctor may answer :/
It is possible to contact me directly.
Detailed Answer:
Hello again.
You can ask me a question directly at: tinyurl.com/DrSpahoAnswers
In good health.

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