What Causes Presistant Cough And Lung Congestion?
Persistent Cough
Detailed Answer:
I can understand the gravity of problem you are facing, my full sympathy is with you.
After going through your history regarding cough for prolong period of time mostly irritating in night, and you have been taking medicine for sinus, which is of no useful to you.
Also as you work in a place where you have to do painting job without mask, may be lot of paint fumes you might be inhaling,all these creates bad impect on your respiratory system specialy lungs.
I am not having your detailed hystory and investigation profile like, history of breathlessness, fever, night sweats, loss of weight, lossof appetite, number of times you encounter in a year, smoking history, sinusitis history.etc
Whether you have done chest x ray or not, any blood investigation, etc.
Any how considering all the above parameters to be normal , I come to the conclusion that its a mild variety of cough which is not geting proper attention in the form of treatment, investigation along with your sinusitis,
I suggest you to get a chest x ray, and x ray PNS done and few blood investigation to distinguish between any big disease in lungs like TB, tumour, other infection, any heart disease, (heart disease also causes cough in night).
Do not worry please discus this matter in detail with your treating doctor, and get it cured.
In this type of situation I usually advice my patients with a course of good antibiotics,cough syrup and some preventive measures like, using mask while working, balanced and healthy diet, regular exercise, green leafy vegetables, plenty of oral fluid, stop smoking, stop alcohol, etc.
Avoid the thing you are allergic to, i.e. thing causing sneezing, running nose, cough, etc.
Hope I have cleared your doubts, if anything else you want to know or clarify please dont hesitate to ask again.
Wish you good health and speedy recovery
You are welcome..
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back,
Yes that is a good decision you have made, visit your doctor and discuss the every detail of your disease.
I will be happy to help you again, at any time in need.