What Causes Profuse Sweating, Diarrhea And Headache?
In my opinion, you should repeat the serotonin test.
Detailed Answer:
I have gone through your question and understood your concern.
Serotonin is one of the most important feel-good neurotransmitters.
It’s been called the “happy molecule” for the role it plays in a positive mood.
Depression and the accompanying loss of pleasure are the most widely known signs of low serotonin.
Other symptoms are constipation, digestive disorders, feeling overwhelmed and insomnia.
So, you don't seem to have the symptoms of serotonin deficiency.
When I read your symptoms I was thinking that your serotonin was increased because some of your symptoms like diarrhea and palpitations can be attributed to a condition called carcinoid tumors (related to high serotonin level.)
However, the problem with your legs is an issue and it can have a neurologic basis. In my opinion, you should discuss with a neurologist about the loss of leg control.
As an endocrinologist, I can say that your low serotonin is not an endocrinologic problem.
If you were my patient, I will ask to repeat the serotonin test level in another lab.
Hope this information is helpful.
If you have other questions, feel free and ask. I'll be happy to help.
Wish you good health.
You can take serotonin supplements/.
Detailed Answer:
I appologise for the late reply.
If you do e second serotonin level and the result is low you can try to increase your serotonin level naturally with supplements, diet, and activities.(Don't worry!)
2.Irritable bowel syndrome can explain your diarrhea but not all the other symptoms.So,in my opinion this is not the cause of your actual condition.
I am an endocrinologist and i don't think your situation has endocrinologic basis(with your low level of serotonin)
Anyway my advices for you are:
-Be Sure to Stay Hydrated because Your body lose a lot of fluids and salts when you have 10-20 time diarrhea/day.
-Eat a Bland Diet.Some bland foods include bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast otherwise known as the BRAT diet. Crackers and mashed potatoes (minus the butter) are also safe.
-Probiotics may help to restore your bowel balance.
-Try to manage your stress.Stress can exacerbate all your symptoms.
Hope this is helpful.
Wish you all the best.
In my opinion, you should repeat the serotonin test.
Detailed Answer:
I have gone through your symptoms carefully.
To be XXXXXXX Your serotonin level result does not correspond to your symptoms.
For this reason, I'd insist on repeating the serotonin test and letting me know your results, I'll let you know about the relevant specialist accordingly.
Take care.
The symtoms you described above.
Detailed Answer:
Hi again
I was refering to your night sweats,profuse diaretha , headaches and palpations.
These symptoms can be explained with an increased level of serotonine and a condition called carcinoid tumor.
Serotonin deficiency can be a cause of depression, anxiety,anger,constipation and poor cognitive function.
Do you have any of these symptoms?
thanks for using HCM for your health queries.
This fact increase my doubts in the result "low serotonin "
Detailed Answer:
Hi again
Diarrhea is an important symptom and in your case it is profuse 10-20 time/die.It can be dangerous if it is not treated.
This symptom can not be related to low serotonin.
So,it may have another cause but you should talk with an gastroenerolodist about this problem because this problem can be solved only by this specialist.
If you want my opinion,you should repeat the serotonin test.
Let me know your result(if you decide to repeat it)
Kind regards.