What Causes Raised Black Spots On Base Of Penis?
I have two small black moles on the base of my penis where the pubic hair end. I had intercourse 2 years back. Nothing after that. Also these moles do not pain, no itching at all.
Should i be worried? I noticed them come up in the last month
I suggest a possibility of genital warts; laser ablation or cauterization
Detailed Answer:
Hello. Thank you for writing to us at healthcaremagic
I have taken note of your query and I have also reviewed the Image.
I can see a single, well defined, raised, growth on base of penis. The surface looks rough.
This looks like a genital wart to me.
Genitals warts are caused by Human papilloma virus/ HPV .
Genital wart is an STD and is transmitted by intimate/ close contact with an infected sexual partner.
Genital warts are usually asymptomatic.
Warts may not develop immediately after the HPV infection is acquired. Average incubation period for genital warts is 3 months but can vary from a few days to up to 2 years.
Treatment would be ablation with either a CO 2 Laser Or Radiofrequency cautery.
I suggest that you visit a venereologist/ sexual health specialist in your region for a confirmatory diagnosis as well as for the needful.
I also suggest screening for other STD's like HIV, syphilis and herpes as well as counselling regarding safe sexual practices.
How much time does it take for warts to be treated completely. And do they grow very rapidly.
Also will I face any discomfort in the future because of them.
As far as other STD s are concerned do they also have this long an incubation period.
Can you also tell approximate cost of getting warts treated.
I suggest that these genital warts be removed as soon as possible.
Detailed Answer:
Treatment would take just a few minutes.
The warts are either vaporized with a CO 2 Laser or ablated with radiofrequency cautery.
The procedure is done under local anesthesia, therefore would be painless and the area would heal in about a week.
Thereafter, you need to apply a topical antibacterial till the wound heals i.e for a week.
Warts may recur at the same place if some part of infection is left over. New lesions may also develop in vicinity.
HPV infection usually spreads by auto-innoculation to form new lesions/ warts in vicinity and therefore it is better to remove all visible warts as soon as possible to reduce chances of autoinnoculation.
Any new warts that may subsequently develop should be similarly removed thus reducing chances of further autoinnocualtion of HPV infection.
The speed at which warts spread can vary.
Sometimes just a few countable lesions can persist for months or years and at other times these may rapidly spread to form numerous lesions & depends on the immune status of the affected individual.
Most of times body's own immunity ultimately takes care of HPV infection and majority of affected individuals are ultimately free of infection over time.
Testing for other STD's is a precautionary measure and it is always recommended to screen for all other STD's if a person has acquired one or the other STD.
Incubation period of syphilis varies from 9-90 days and that of genital herpes 2-12 days.
Screening for HIV is by antibody based test and is conclusive after 12 weeks of a risky sexual encounter and can be taken up even today, in your case.
Removal cost for just 1 or 2 warts would not be much (approximately 1000-1500 INR) but can vary from doctor to doctor.
You can inquire the exact cost by visiting a doctor in your vicinity.
Always practice safe sex with a condom!
Let's say I do have warts and If I get them removed, and then have sex with my partner.
Is it still a risk for her. If yes then what do u suggest.?
Second, is there any possibility that this might not be a wart or any kind of STD. I have had sex only a few times that too wearing a condom with my girlfriend.
Could you plz suggest a good doctor. I reside in new XXXXXXX
A condom only partially protects against HPV transmission
Detailed Answer:
The risk of transmission is less once the visible warts are removed.
However, since there may still be subclinical HPV infection in or around that area therefore the risk is not Zero.
As I said before, body's own immunity takes care of HPV infection over a period of time therefore most individuals who are free of infection/ free of recurrence for 1 or 2 years, can be assumed to have been cured.
A condom definitely reduces chances of HPV transmission & therefore you must always practice safe sex.
However, a condom does not eliminate chances completely because a condom covers only portion of shaft of penis, therefore, leaves a lot of neighboring skin exposed for skin-to-skin contact e.g base of penis.
This is probably the reason that you developed this wart at base of penile shaft because rest of penile shaft was covered with a condom.
This looks very similar to a wart. However, I would advice you to get a confirmatory diagnosis by close inspection.
However in this image I can only see a single lesion. Can you upload a clear digital Image of another lesion as well?
I would like to clarify from you. Was your sexual contact 2 years back with a different partner? other than your girlfriend?
I don't have any specific reference of a doctor therefore you may visit a doctor of your own choice in your region.
Two years back i had sex(my first time) with my then girlfriend.
Now if i get the warts removed should i have sex with my current girlfriend or wait even after removal. Her safety is my prime concern.
i have uploaded both the lesions. Also, which procedure would you say is most effective for removal.
And should i ask my current girlfriend to get HPV vaccination and after removal should i get it too?? will it help me at all?
I suggest that you get these removed with either laser or cautery
Detailed Answer:
These are much clearer Images.
I will keep another possibility of seborrheic keratosis. In fact i will keep seborrheic keratosis as a very likely possibility after going through the recent clear Image.
Genital Warts is still my possibility.
Seborheic keratosis unlike genitals, are not related to STDs.
Treatment still remains the same for both of these conditions. CO 2 Laser as well as radiofrequency cautery both are effective
Get them removed. You may have sex but with a condom. A condom reduces the chances.
Since you are already sexually active with your current girlfriend there is no point of vaccination now.
Vaccination is recommended before start of sexual activity.