What Causes Reccurring Red Eye?
It can be allergic conjunctivitis or uveitis.
Detailed Answer:
Hello Madam,
Welcome to Health care magic.
I am Dr. Dadapeer K, an ophthalmologist and I answer health problems related to eye.
It seems from the history that you are having recurring red eye.
Red eye is because of congestion of the vessels conjunctiva or circumcilary vessels.
The common causes are infections of conjunctiva, allergies of conjunctiva, corneal inflammations, inflammations of uvea.....
Since you have not mentioned the cause or diagnosis I require more details like
Whether the red eye is associated with pain or painless
Whether the red eye is associated with diminution of vision or not
Whether the red eye is associated with itching, watering or discharge
Whether the red eye is associated with symptoms like glare and sensitivity to light
Prednisolone acetate is usually given for sterile inflammatory conditions like allergic conjunctivitis or for uveitis and both these are recurrent in nature.
Hence I would request for more information as I have asked to come to likely diagnosis so that I can advice you more accurately.
You can send a photo of the affected eye if possible so that I can answer your question more accurately.
Thank you
It looks like inflammatory eye disease-uveitis
Detailed Answer:
Hello Madam
Thank you for the follow up.
It seems like inflammatory diseases of the eye like iridcocyclitis as you are having sensitivity to light with puffy eyelids.
The inflammatory conditions like uveitis are usually recurrent and treatment is by steroids in the form of prednisolone acetate. Since you are having family history of thyroid problem, colon cancer and leukemia this requires evaluation to rule out underlying causes like systemic diseases and inflammations.
Hence you can continue the treatment with prednisolone as advised by your doctor and you need to undergo evaluation to find out the underlying causes and treatment accordingly to prevent recurrences of red eye.
Hence I advice you to consult your ophthalmologist for evaluation and do get back with the investigation reports. The usual investigations required are complete blood count, ESR, CRP... and others depending on the finding of the eye examination.
Hope the information is helpful to you.
Thank you