What Causes Recurrent Tingling Sensation In Legs Post Alcohol Intake?
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome
Your concern is appreciated
Guillain barre syndrome is autoimmune disorder occur after an acute infectious process affects peripheral nervous system. Initial symptoms are tingling and weakness which leads to ultimate paralysis.
As you mentioned about your bad eating habits which can lead to many vitamins deficiencies like B12 which can also leads to same symtoms the fact that it has improved with multivitamins.
Aggaravation with alcohol could also suggest that alcohol has played a part in it because alcohol is also notorious for causing neuropathy it leads to deficiency of vitamins and
Which leads of same symtomatology of your diet is lacking then it is the worse senario. Because in alcohol neuropathy the early syptom is weight loss which results in nutritional deficiency which leads to the disease. The damage done to nerves is usually permanat to nerves of you have active symtoms avoid drinking alcohol.
Take a good and balanced diet and continue with multivitamins and cut down on your alcohol consumption.
Other causes of these symptoms may be diabetic neuropathy, rediculopathy , vitamin deficiencies , pernicious anemia , herniated disc, multiple sclerosis, etc.
Investigation required are blood test like hb and b 12 and other vitamin levels, endosocopy , MRI Spine , electromyography.
Treatment is then according to the cause.
Please consult your doctor before taking any further course of action
Wishing you best of health
Hope it will help.
Dr M.S Khalil