What Causes Recurring Cold And Sinus Infection?
How would you describe what she has?
Upper respiratory symptoms
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome,
If I understand correctly, your wife has had episodes of nasal/sinus congestion without other symptoms of infection? By other symptoms of infection I mean discolored nasal discharge that occurs throughout the day (not just when she gets up), clearing out discolored drainage from her throat, low grade fever, fatigue.
It's possible that she has had 3 colds, but it is also possible that there is something she is sensitive or allergic to, such as dust mites or mold, that she's been exposed to on a regular basis, making her more susceptible.
If she has ongoing nasal/sinus symptoms, she might want to consider a nasal steroid (such as Flonase - sold at drug stores without prescription) to decrease nasal congestion and reactivity. It takes a couple of days to start to see it work.
If the pattern you describe continues, she may want to see an allergist. Three infections in 4 months isn't exceptional, but I do understand that it is unusual for your wife.
I hope this information helps. Please let me know if I can provide further information or clarification.
some information
Detailed Answer:
Some people have something called vasomotor rhinitis which can cause runny nose, congestion, post nasal drainage - without an infection or allergies. It is due to irritants such as laundry detergent with scent, dryer sheets, and other scented things and chemicals.
Best to go in to see either an allergist or an ENT doctor. I think an allergist might be the best bet.