What Causes Recurring Nasal Polyps In An Asthma Patient?
I have triad asthma and had 4 nose surgeries removing huge pulps in my nasal cavities, but they keep coming back. Right now im having a hard time keeping the thick mucus down my throat and its been getting into my lungs causing me to cough it up as it gets stuck at that valve. I been drinking hot stuff to try and get it to go in my stomach instead but it just sits there at that valve (lungs/stomach). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I just had surgery on my colon (tumor removed) and really hurting that incision in my stomach everytime I cough and causes it to leak. Just gotten done with whining down from my prednisone, but Im really tired of hurting my stomach :-)
Is it the flu? I also tried Nasacort and it didn't help at all, made it worst even. I was on prednisone for 17yrs straight, but it took over my amune system and soon as I get off it (been only 4months now where totally off it, was a 5mg/daily for long period and it seemed to help) but soon as I get totally off it, get cold/infections real easy. I had a asphma attach in hospital, and they have to give me huge doses of prednisone to counter it 126mg in IV. I know that stuff is bad for me, but to me it is my ammune system and works wonders for me. We did do bone density test and was still ok......for now that is :-)
Is this $15 a one time fee for a month/year/day? I didn't even know it cost until I got it all written up :-(
But if we can help it, it would be well worth the $15 indeed. Please let me know what the $15 is covering as I don't want this subscription just taking out 15 each time I type something :-)
Explained in detail
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome
Your concern is appreciated
Patient having asthma of atopic or non atopic origin about 7% of them may have nasal polypi.
36% of patient with aspirin intolerance can have nasal polypi. Sampters asthma nasal polypi and aspirin intolerance .
2 0% of people with cystic fibrosis form polypi its due to abnormal mucous
Nasal mastocytosis a form of chronic rhinitis is another cause for polyps.
Allergic rhinitis has comolication of nasal polypi
Treatment will include avoidance of allergen antihistamines, phenylephrine oxymetazoline are used to decrease nasal congestion
Corticosterioids and sodium cromoglycate
Immunotherapy or hyposenitization are also done
To loosen the mucus you can do steam inhalation
Warm Salt water irrigation of throat
You can also try mucolytics
You should keep washing and lavaging the nose to keep the mucous loose and draining and try not to swallow it.
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let me know if you have any query
Wishing you best of health
Please consult your doctor before taking any further course of action
Dr M.S Khalil
Thanks for all you help,
Detailed Answer:
Hello again.
Potassium iodide given by mouth promotes and liqufies nasal secretion
Nasal irrigation witb warm normal saline or solution made by dissolving a teaspoon full of powder containing sida bicarb 1 part sodium biborate 1 part nacl 2 parts in 280ml of water used to wash nasal cavities it loosen the crusts and thick tenacious diacharge. Mucolytics like n acetylcysteine or carbocysteine would also help. They are available OTC though in some places one may require a prescription. If you cant get them then you need to contact your physician for a prescription.
Please consult your doctor before taking any further course of action.
wishing you best of health
Dr M.S Khalil