What Causes Recurring Prostate Infection?
Consider the right regimen of antibiotics.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for posting on HealthcareMagic.
Normally a recurring prostate infection is caused by bacterias and is treated with antibiotics.
The reason that the infection may reoccur is that the antibiotic does not get deep enough in the layers of the prostate to kill or the bacterias, or because you are not using the right type of the antibiotics.
To make sure that you are using the right type of antibiotics, your doctor may try to take fluid from your prostate and check laboratory which antibiotic is the best for the specific bacteria that is causing your infection.
Sometimes it is advised to take long-term treatment with antibiotics, even more than 6 weeks.
Try to take it regularly, that is of high importance.
To relieve urinary symptoms try to take alpha-blockers (such as alfuzosin) and to relieve the pain you can take an anti-inflammatory drug such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.
When all of this does not work, your urologist may decide to perform a Cystoscopic examination to see inside your urinary bladder and urethra.
If you have other question, please feel free to post them.
Dr. Eni
Yes it can. The chance are little, but they exist.
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Dear patient,
There is a chance around 30% that chronic prostatitis may develop into prostate cancer.
Actually it is the chronic inflammation in the chronic infection, that can progress into cancer. That is why the combination of the therapy with antiinflammatory drugs is important.
As I prescribed in the first message, you need to differentiate if there is a bacteria that is causing the infection, and which is that. You have to consider taking fluid from the prostate and examinate it.
If no bacterias are found, than you need to keep on taking supplements such as Chirop (Quercetin) consider anti inflammatory drug and taking care about the diet. Alcohol, caffeine, spicy food should be avoid. You should add in your diet foods that boost your immune system such as: omega 3 foods, nuts, olives, avocados, tomatos, mushrooms, turmeric and green tea.
Sometimes for resistent chronic prostatitis is adviced physiotherapy and acupuncture.
When nothing works, you should consider surgery, for the prostate removal.
If you have other question, please feel free to post them.
Dr. Eni
I need a photo to check the type of medication.
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Can you please send me a photo of the box of the medication that you are taking?
Dr. Eni
Yes, it is very necessary a rectal control.
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a prostate examination includes a rectal control. It is part of the protocol and it helps to see the enlargement of the prostate, to collect the prostate secretions from the uretra and to check for the hard, lumpy and abnormal areas.
Please send me the photo of the box of your medication 500mg.
Dr. Eni
i when to doctor the infe is gone but he have prostste pill to take also he say pee aalo am sugar dibetts my sugar go and down today is was 172
Yes, cranberry and sugar make you go a lot in the toilet,
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Regarding the first question for the cranbery juice, yes, it can make you go very often inToilet, and that is actually very good while it helps you against urinary tract infection, and kills the bacteria. So drink a lot of cranberry juice is a good tip.
I am happy that the prostatic infection has diseppeared and you should continue taking those prostate pills because they help for protection.
Regarding the blood sugar, yes, it is true that when you have high blood sugar, you go very often in toilet. You need to take care of you diet more. Eat healthy and make some sport. 170 is high, but not very high. You should stop eating sugar and should start to live a healthier life.
After some time repeat the blood sugar analysis in the morning, without eating, to check up how it is going.
Dr. Eni
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Please do not drink beer or any kind of alcohol, otherwise, you will have a potentiating effect that can hurt you.
Dr. Eni
can cup of deffacin coffe make you go pee in hours
Normally no.
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Normally what makes going in the toilet more often is caffeine ingredient in normal coffee. Decaffeinated coffee does not have a lot of caffeine, so it would not make you go frequently in the toilet.
Dr. Eni
the reason go my sugar high 220 i eat alot bread today
Yes to the first question. Repeat the blood analysis, for the second.
Detailed Answer:
the frequent diuresis (going to the toilet) can be because of cranberry and because of the prostate enlargement. I would suggest to keep on taking the prostate pills and keep on drinking cranberry because that is good against any bacteria in the urinary tract.
Regarding the high sugar, I would suggest you repeat the analysis in the morning without eating before, to make sure if you have a problem or not. Only one value does not bring a conclusion. You have to repeat it.
Dr. Eni