What Causes Recurring Stomach Pain, Nausea And Burps With History Of Gallbladder Issues?
Giving curd or yogurt should help.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for asking on HealthcareMagic.
I have gone very carefully through the details provided and understand your concerns. Along with other organs, the liver and pancreas secrete digestive juices which are stored in the gall bladder. Even though the secreting organs are still there, the removal of the gall bladder therefore messes with the digestion, at least to some extent. This is responsible for undigested food matter being left over in the gastrointestinal tract. These undigested matters are degraded by intestinal bacteria giving rise to the sulphur burps. Although no special diet is required, I would insist on giving him plenty of curd or yogurt since it contains beneficial bacteria which should help in restoring a balance. Moreover, these bacteria synthesize vitamin B and hence should take care of the glossitis (which generally occurs due to deficiency of B vitamins). Give him a fibre rich diet along. I do not see any other thing that you need to do.
You need not panic.
he just threw up and it smelt very strongly of sulphur, he also complained of pain in the right hand side of his stomach.
what can I do to help ease his discomfort with these episodes?
Seems to be due to indigestion.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing back. Thanks for explaining.
The details seem definite for indigestion. The pain seems to be due to the effect of the stomach acids which are meant for digestion. The resultant gastric irritation has led to his vomitings. You can give him Lanzol Junior (lansoprazole) one tablet once daily for next few days. Also give ORS (oral rehydration solution) if the vomiting continues.
I do not think that you need to worry. It should soon be fine back again.
Glad to be of service
Detailed Answer:
Glad to help. Feel free to write back in case of further queries, if any.