What Causes Red Rashes On Penis Head Along With Mild Burning Sensation?
I had problem of red rashes at the head of my penis, the skin is scaly, wrinkled and peels off. It gives me a mild burning sensation.
I tried using canstern HC it cleared the infection,the bad skin peeled off, but after few days it again came back.
Then I again used canstern HC for 15 days, it helped to me to an extent but there is a patch which is still red.
Along with that i used Moisturex cream (indian cream )http://perfectskincareforyou.com/2011/11/moisturex-emollient-humectant-and.html.
I visited a dermatologist and he advised to use Dermovate cream, considering that canstern HC helped me.
My question is
1)Is it safe to use strong steroid on penis.
2)Does it help to keep the foreskin retracted , as it keeps my glands dry.
3)Is high sugar level in any way be the cause
4)I am low in vitamin d and b12, is it related in any way.
Candidal balanitis; Add Oral fluconazole; Test for blood sugar
Detailed Answer:
Hello. Thank you for writing to us
I have gone through your query and I have also reviewed the Images.
You seem to have candidal balanitis. It is caused by candida, a yeast.
Dermovate cream is a potent topical steroid i.e clobetasol propionate 0.05% and it should not be used on delicate genital skin.
Canesten HC is fine since it contains a milder steroid as well as a topical antifungal.
I would suggest you to take a tablet of fluconazole in addition. Fluconazole is an Oral antifungal and takes better control of candidal/ yeast infection.
Of course, since you have recurrent candidal balanitis I would suggest you to test for fasting blood sugar levels. Recurrent candidal balanitis is common in those who have raised sugar levels.
There is no need to keep foreskin retracted. It is not a cure for candidal balanitis.
Low Vitamin levels are unrelated to candidal balanitis.
Use plain lukewarm water to clean this area. Avoid soaps.