What Causes Red Spots On The Under Skin Of Penis?
My Age 54 years
General Health O.K
Diabetic : I think not
The problem is tiny reddish skin & dots on some portion of Penis under the skin cover. Earlier generally occurred & disappeared after some days. This happens despite all hygienic measures & no reason for infection.
Now in summer appeared again with a little bit irritation initially & not subsiding.
To get rid tried application of Anti Dermatitis cream 4Derm & Vaseline. Skin became more red although irritation not there.
On trying to clean the surface for hygienic purpose, a little blood also came from the affected tendered skin for two days.
Stopped applying cream & tried to keep it dry. Reddishness is still there with tiny spots although no pain or irritation as such.
May be some kind of viral infection.
Need your advise with specific request for the XXXXXXX medicines name of its treatment.
It is mostly due to Fungal infection.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query,based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have fungal infection (Muco Cutaneous Genital Candidiasis.)
I shall be happy if you can post me few more details to help me in making comments on your problem.
1) Are you diabetic?
2) Do you have urethral discharge ?
3) do you have any urinary symptoms like frequency,burning ,urgency etc?
Your symptoms and redness of the foreskin with irritation is strongly suggestive of fungal infection of the genitals It is the first presenting symptom of Diabetes.
Please consult qualified Urologist for clinical assessment and get following basic tests done to confirm the diagnosis,
1) Routine urine test and urine culture
2) Blood Sugar levels on empty stomach and 2 hours after lunch.
3) Swab Test and Culture of Urethral discharge .
In the mean while start taking anti fungal medication like Flucon along with antibiotic like Augmentin twice daily and topical anti fungal cream like Cotrimazole (Candid) for local application over glans and foreskin.
Ensure to wash your genitals with warm water twice daily,
Ensure to avoid sexual activities till it heals up completely.
Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions I shall be happy to help you
Thanks and Regards.
Till at least 6 months back ,I was not diabetic although level was near the upper range. Recently sugar test not got done. Will get it done.
No discharge of any kind noticed so far although there is dripping of residual urine after completion of process of passing urine.
The interest & frequency to indulge in sexual activity has reduced considerably in last few months. May be age factor.
No symptoms of urgency of passing urine unless I drink lot of water regularly. Frequency is not much as I generally drink less water. Burning, very rare. Only some time in morning after passing the whole urine when some last drops passed.
One important thing I missed to mention is that during the problem, My foreskin of Penis also got thick means bit swelled & a bit inflammatory which appears to be normal now. Being summer sweating is there & I use talcum powder around
the area.
Now after your further analysis & advise I shall start medication from tomorrow for the period recommended by you & also got the required tests done. Kindly inform if any further test is required.
Regards XXXXXXX Kapur
Get the test done and start taking medicines suggested earlier.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for feedback and follow up.
Please get the tests done and continue taking medication as suggested in my reply earlier.
To rule out diabetes is very important .
Do write again once you get the reports of test.I sahll be happy to help you.
Thanks and Regards.
I have got the two tests done. The results are normal & as under
1) Routine urine test: Sp Gravity 1.025, ph 6 & every thing else negative or NIL or Normal
2) Blood Sugar levels on empty stomach : 95mg/dL from Dr Lal Path lab
and 2 hours after lunch. :70 mg/dL from another Hospital Lab
3) Swab Test and Culture of Urethral discharge: Not got done as there appears to be no such discharge.
I have started taking medicines as advised by you.
The affected parts some time gets aggravated with irritation. On cleaning the same,there is soothing affect for long time. But dots &reddishness is still the same.
Your further advise in view of all my history above shall be appreciated.
Thanks & Regards
Continue taking medicines for 10 days.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for uploading reports .
I have gone through your reports and noted the fact that you are not diabetic.
However I will suggest you to take medications for 10 days .
Please do write after 10 days .I shall be happy to know the results of treatment
Thanks and Regards.