What Causes Redness And Swelling Above Waistline?
What do u think?
it needs drainage
Detailed Answer:
is it the umbilicus? Omphalitis is a relatively common situation that needs drainage and antibiotics in the simplest cases.
It could also be an inflammed sebaceous cyst somewhere else besides the umbilicus or a contaminated hair follicle etc
When a cavity filled with pus forms anywhere in the body, the best solution is to drain the cavity until all material is out and keep draining it until it heals. If you can squeeze all the material out and the cavity is a small one then self-healing is possible. Otherwise surgical exploration might be required.
Your best next step would be to show it to your doctor. Your doctor will tell you whether anything more than a little squeezing would be required or not.
Doxycycline is a broad spectrum antibiotic that may help.
If you can't find your doctor then visiting the urgent care is recommended.
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