What Causes Redness, Brown Patches And Swelling In Urinary Meatus?
Urinary infection a possibility
Detailed Answer:
I am Dr V XXXXXXX a Sr Dermatologist and Venereologist.
I have reviewed your pics and details as well as past history. I find that these details conform to urinary infection.
As you have already got tested, I would like to see the investigation reports.
Before you start with any antibiotics, it is highly recommended that culture and sensitivity test of secretions as well as urine be done so that best suited medication can be suggested.
It is recommended to have plenty of water, abstain from sexual activity and alcohol, and apply an antibiotic cream.
The problem can be managed if proper measures are followed.
My help is at hand and am sure you will make the use of suggestions provided.
All the symptoms are likely to vanish as the infection gets under control.
Best wishes.
Hhmmm it seems hard to find a solution
Pl upload the reports
Detailed Answer:
It would be great if you can inform as to which urine tests were performed and their reports. Culture sensitivity involves growing the microorganisms from urine sample and then testing those organisms as to which antibiotic is most likely to kill them.
Generally, it would respond to broad spectrum antibiotics like Amoxy-Clav but it is preferred to give an antibiotic that has been tested to be effective against the particular organisms.
I will await your reports and then help you in taking the next step.
Best wishes!