What Causes Redness On Face And Neck?
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I need a bit more information from you. How is your blushing like? Just confined to face and neck or is it present in other parts of body as well? How frequent are they? Are they there contunously or intermittently. Any associated itching or palpitations or a kind of adrenaline rush feeling? Does it get any worse when you go out in sun?
Are you on any antibiotics or similar drugs? Do you have joint pains etc?
All these informations are important when we deal with such a situation. Blushing in face can be due to many reasons including hormone problems, use of certain pills, light sensitivity etc. If there are precipitating factors, then avoid it. There are certain meicines available for blushing and some creams for local application too. However, examining you and taking a proper history is very important before prescribing a medicine.
Did you see a GP yet?