What Causes Severe Anxiety While On Risperidone?
Please suggest how long shall i continue taking resperidone.
Careful with withdrawal effects
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the question.
I always suggest the discontinuation of such medicines 5HT-D2 medicines should be very very slow, always under guidance of the treating doctor after his approval. The withdrawal are common. So read about withdrawals first and if you are ok with those are able to recognize in time, you can set for discontinuing slowly.
Basically you have to reduce it 10% every two - 3 weeks, ie you have to take only 0.9mg per day for next three weeks. After that 0.81 mg per day for next three weeks and later 0.73mg/day for next three weeks. If you observe I am reducing the dose by 10% on the previous dose. With this way the harm is less from withdrawing dose. This way you take up to 6 months to become nil dose.
Thereotically a 10% dosage reduction every 4 weeks, with the 10% calculated on the last dosage. The amount of decrease is proportionate to the last dosage and that keeps getting smaller.
anyway I understood .
Buying a balance that weights gold in glass cage
Detailed Answer:
Yes true to measure that weights. You have to invest in balance that weights gold in glass cage to measure.
It is bit difficult to do that. Hence in western nations the pill is powdered and dispensed to the person for ease of weighing.
I believe you are not aware resperidone is not allowed to be powered .
Respiridone can be powdered if not extended release variant
Detailed Answer:
Risperidone cannot be powdered if it is extended release variant or other variants which have a coating on them.
Its common practice to powder them in upscale pharmacies.
Never mind, if you have any more queries please let me know.