What Causes Severe Ear Pain, Headaches, Nausea And Lightheadedness?
I have episodes that begin with a headache, lightheaded, nauseated feel as though I am going to pass out and my bowels become crampy and explosive. Is this like a TIA?
this is not TIA
Detailed Answer:
Hi..welcome to HCM..I have gone through your question..don't worry its not TIA...the symptoms you are describing clearly suggestive of migraine...I recommend the following ...
1.home remedies: muscle relaxation exercises and meditation..sound sleep...rest in dark and quiet room
A)for pain relief..NSAIDs
B)triptan for treating acute attack
C)medications for nausea and vomiting..antiemetic s...
I would like to ask more history to confirm my diagnosis...
1.do you get visual disturbances like flashes of light before getting headache?
2.how long your symptoms persist ?
and regarding your query about ear cartilage pain ..that could be due to mild inflammation of external ear canal ...nothing to worry..it will subside just take antiinflammatory and pain killer like acetaminophen ...
Hope i have answered your question...i am happy to help if you have got any other questions...wish you a good health...
Dr Paparaja S MBBS MS
could be IBS
Detailed Answer:
Hi.Thanks for asking again...headache relieved by BM...could be a IBM that is irritable bowel syndrome ..you also have abdominal cramps to support this diagnosis..if you consult your doctor he will do a colonoscopy to confirm this...
One more differential diagnosis is High blood pressure ..because headache associated with nausea , vomiting..could be a sign of raised intracranial tension...and it is relieved by taking rest...so consult your physician and get review on your blood pressure and medications...
If you are happy with my answer you can close the discussion and rate my answer...wish you a speedy recovery... And have great year ahead...