What Causes Severe Hand Tremors?
Detailed Answer:
GOod evening
Thank you for writing on health care magic
Well the sort of symptoms you are describing goes more towards Action Tremors, that is the shaking of hands on doing some activity but gets better at rest. It can be seen in different family members as well( Essential Tremors). But with tremors, one always needs to rule out associated Thyroid disease. The sort of joint pains you are experiencing along with tremors does call for thyroid examination if it has not been done previously. Essential tremors is a very benign thing and just gives trouble in doing fine activities. If it is persistent, one can start Propanalol to make it better
As for the stiffness of the fingers, i would like to know since how long it has been going on and if you experience pain and swelling as well?It can be a start of some disease process. So i would like if someone could examine it for you.
But yes i would suggest doing Thyroid levels, Rheumatoid factor , Anti CCP and Vitamin D 3 levels to rule out any cause of tremors and stiffness of the hands
Hope the information was sufficient
DO let me know for further queries
Dr Naval