What Causes Severe Headache, Sore Neck And Discomfort Jaw Line?
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Detailed Answer:
I read your question carefully and I understand your concern.
First of all regarding meningitis since you seem to have no fever and judging by the fact you are writing this question your mental status is intact I wouldn't consider that likely.
Reading that description the most likely cause might be tension type headache, the most common primary headache (primary meaning no cause can be found) often exacerbated by stress and anxiety. It usually responds to Ibuprofen though, so the fact that it doesn't makes it advisable to see your doctor as you had planned to have a physical exam for other signs you might have missed.
Another possibility might be arthritic changes in the neck which may cause neck pain and stiffness which also irradiates in the neck. Sinusitis might also be a cause, though wouldn't explain the sore neck.
If fever appears, or neurologic signs (like vision issues, confusion, abnormal behavior, weakness of the limbs on one side, balance or coordination issues), or if the pain progressively intensifies then it would be justified not waiting for Monday and going to the Emergency care.