What Causes Severe Night Sweats And Foul Body Odour?
Anxiety, excess coffee/caffeine or infectious process in body can give this
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking HCM
I have gone through your query. Anxiety can increase armpit's apocrine gland secretion. Other reasons of increased secretion and smell are increased use of coffee or caffeinated drinks , infectious process in body, hyperthyroidism or raised blood sugar.
You can go for a blood routine including ESR to rule out any infective/inflammatory process in body. Blood sugar level and blood pressure should be measured. Thyroid profile test also should be done.
Anxiety should be managed by relaxation exercises like breathing exercise. If not helping then approach a psychologist for counselling.
Avoid or decrease caffeine and coffee , excess spicy and strong smelling foods should be avoided. If still there is strong smell then you can ask your GP for prescription antiperspirants like Drysol. Applying this during night will be helpful. Avoid taking coffee and tea after evening. Take less water during night also. This will decrease the incidence of urinating during night time.
Hope this may help you. Let me know if anything not clear.
Upper respiratory tract infections should be ruled out.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome again.
Thank you for your follow up.
Chronic Upper respiratory tract infections like sinusitis or tonsillitis/pharyngitis can be the reason also. This can give bad breath as well as nigh sweats/increased sweating. It is better to have an examination by ENT specialist to rule out this. If it is that then managing it will helps. Taking vitamin C daily is also good.
Is thing sweating problem started after taking Paxil?
Let me know if anything not clear. I am happy to help you.