What Causes Severe Sensitivity On The Left Side Of Scalp?
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Hello and Welcome
I appreciate your concern
Kindly answer the following to advise accordingly
Do you have any local lesion on the skin e.g dermatitis, cellulitis
Is the tenderness on one or both sides of the head
Is there associated Pain behind the eye or sensitivity to light or Pain/stiffness when moving the neck
Are you hypertensive
What medications are you using currently.
Wishing you best of health
Let me know if you have any query
Please consult your doctor before deciding on any further course of action.
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Dr. M.S. Khalil
Sensitive scalp
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome
Your concern is appreciated
Headaches causes pain and sensitivity sometimes with chronic migraines scalp may be unusually sensitive to touch, in tention type of headache person can feel tight band around head
Temporal arteritis may involve the scalp and it can lead to visiual loss so its then an emergency
Symptoms include throbbing headache tenderness on touching the scalp blurred vision reduced vision and fever can also be there
trigeminal Neuralgia can lead to very sensitive skin but that lead to excruciating pain on touch.
other condition includes shingles which can effect scalp and face leading to sensitive and painful scalp and face
Many chemicals have the potential that can irritate and cause sensitivity of scalp like hair XXXXXXX etc
Seborric eczema a common skin condition can also cause skin of scalp to be sensitive and painful
You can do Hb ESR and CRP; duplex ultrasound
MRI scan
You can discus these options with your doctors
Hope it helps
please consult your doctor before taking any further course of action
Wishing you best of health
Dr M.S Khalil
Detailed Answer:
Hello again
Temporal arteritis also called giant call arteritis is inflammation and damage of blood vessels of head neck upper limbs and upper body medium to large size artries are affected
Cause is unknown but immune process is involved
Symptoms include throbbing headache on one side of head or neck
Tenderness when touching the scalp
Fever blurred vision double vision reduced vision
weakness muscle aches pain in arms after using it jaw pain while chewing
Mostly prople over fifty years of age is affected
Hb ,ESR , CRP can be done which can only signify that some problem is there for confirmation biopsy can be done other test are duplex
u/s and MRi scan.
Steroids are given in treatment
Hope it helps
please consult your doctor before taking any further course of action
Wishing you best of health
Dr M.S Khalil