What Causes Severe Vomiting, Stomach Ache And Excessive Gas?
Detailed Answer:
Hello and thank you for choosing HealthcareMagic for your query,
I've gone through all your details and appreciate your concern.
Most likely, the problem you are having is called Dyspepsia.
Dyspepsia, in layman's language is known as indigestion. It is a term that describes discomfort or pain in the upper abdomen. However, it's not a disease in itself. Dyspepsia is a group of symptoms which often include bloating, nausea vomiting etc.
As endoscopy done recently was normal, I would suggest you not to worry too much.
Take a proton pump inhibitor like Esomeprazole 40 mg twice daily along with a prokinetic drug (eg.Domperidone) for 5 days. bacterias and yeast in our gut are responsible for proper digestion and fermentation of food. Hundereds of species of bacteria and yeast are found in colon of human intestine.In the same way thousands of these species florishes in our gut these bacteria play a vital role in digestuion and absorption of food.Even minor disturbances in gut microflora can lead to significant changes in gut function, including gas production.
There are various mechanism that can be related to increased bloating
If this microbiota is disturbed food is improperly fermented causing production of large amount of gases in gut leading to severe bloating.Hence most commmon cause in most of the cases is disturbed microbiota.In old patient mobility of intestines is severly compromised leading to accumulation of large amount of gases in intestines.As persitaltic moments are week gas accumulates in intestines.The pressure exerted by these gases are responsible for nausea feeling.
Take medications as suggested by me for 5 days and follow up.