What Causes Sharp Pain During Erection And Erectile Dysfunction?
Needs evaluation.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query,based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have problem of Erectile Dysfunction following severe pain during intercourse .
I shall be happy if you can post me few more details to help me in making comments on your problem.
1) Were you performing the intercourse in woman on top position?
2)Did you have welling or discoloration of penis ?
3) Did you pass blood in urine ?
This is most likely to be due to injury to Tunica Albugenia a sheath that covers the erectile tissue .However this can be confirmed only by Ultrasound canning and colour Doppler study of Penis .
Please consult qualified Urologist for clinical evaluation and get these tests done to confirm the diagnosis .
Further treatment (if required )will depend upon the results of these tests and final diagnosis.
In the mean while take anti inflammatory medicines like Diclofenac and Serropeptidase twice daily.
Get the prescription of medicines from your family Physician.
Ensure to drink more water.To keep your urine dilute
Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions ,I shall be happy to help you
Thanks and Regards.
1) woman was not on top position during the intercourse.
2) no swelling or discoloration of the penis
3) no blood in urine
Could be due to trivial injury to corpora cavernosa.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for feedback.
Based on your feedback I can say that there is no major injury to Tunica Albugenia ..
It should get resolved with medicines I have suggested in my reply earlier.
Get the test suggested to confirm the diagnosis .
In the mean while continue taking drugs which I have suggested earlier.
The problem of ED seems to be due to pain and anxiety which should get resolved soon.
Thanks and Regards.