What Causes Sharp Pain In Chest Area Followed By Immediate Diarrhea?
Gastritis could be the cause not appendicitis
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the query
From the description you have given me it looks more like gastritis rather than appendicitis. Pain of the appendicitis is most commonly around the umbilicus
Here is how you should go about it
1. If you have noticed these changes after Seroquel then I recommend that you approach your doctor for a change over to another drug. Pain abdomen is seen in about 10% of the patients on seroquel.
2. I recommend that you take Tab omeprazole now , acute gastritis is usually seen as heart burn. Tab omeprazole should be continnued for another 5 days, ideally taken every morning on an empty stomach
3. avoid caffeine, smoking, alcohol and spicy food until you are better
4. Avoid sleeping just after dinner
5. Be regular with your meals
If the symptoms worsen and the pain increases please approach the emergency room immediately for a ultra sound scan
I hope I was of help, if you have any further queries please get back to me