What Causes Sharp Pain In Left Abdominal Area While Sneezing?
I'll need more information to answer
Detailed Answer:
so you've had an upper respiratory tract infection (probably a common cold) without fever (or not?) with all the usual sneezing etc. If the pain occurs only for an instant (that is when you sneeze only) and you have no pain on the intervals then there is nothing to worry about. The pain was caused by the intensity of the muscle contractions needed to perform the sneezing.
If you do have pain, particularly if it's changing along with the respiratory movements (pleuritic pain), then a chest X-ray should be obtained and careful clinical examination by your doctor should be done. Any of the following should be consider alarming: shortness of breath, pleuritic pain, constant pain, tachycardia.
I hope I've helped!
If you'd like more information, then please give a more detailed description of your problem and I'll be glad to comment on it.
Kind Regards!