What Causes Sharp Pain In Left Mid Abdomen?
Likely Gastritis
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking
I read your question and i understand your concern. Sharp pain in the left mid abdomen is usually gastric discomfort like gastritis. Work up for pancreatitis should also be considered. You need a detailed physical examination and a complete clinical correlation of your symptoms with some baseline work up like H pylori detection tests preferably stool antigen and other labs like endoscopy if needed.
Antacids like XXXXXXX seltzer and pepto and some acid blockers like nexium, prilosec etc will help. Some antispasmodics should be also added.
Try to eat smaller frequent meals, avoid spices, irritant foods, coffee, tea, alcohol, soda , chocolates and other sweets and prefer tylenol or NSAIDs for body pains.
Work up for other etiologies like pancreas inflammation or musculoskeletal pain should also be considered.
I hope it helps. take good care of yourself and don't forget to close the discussion please.