What Causes Sharp Pain In The Upper Right Abdominal Area?
Detailed answer below.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for choosing HealthacareMagic for your query.
Have gone through your details and I appreciate your concerns.
Going through your complete history there are two possibilities-
Dyspepsia, in layman's language, is known as indigestion. It is a term that describes discomfort or pain in the upper abdomen. However, it's not a disease in itself. A dyspepsia is a group of symptoms which often include bloating, nausea, abdominal pain etc. However, different patients have different presentation.
As the onset in your case is acute, most likely cause of indigestion is due to either overeating or taking over oily or fatty food. Anxiety or intake of alcohol or aerated beverages can also cause the symptoms.
Take a proton pump inhibitor like Esomeprazole 40 mg twice daily along with a prokinetic drug (eg.Domperidone) for 3 days. This will provide you symptomatic relief from symptoms of dyspepsia (you may need to obtain a prescription for this from your local physician).
Take Tylenol twice daily for pain.
Antacid like Pepto Bismol can be taken for few days along with it.
Any over counter probiotic should be taken for few days to provide relief in symptoms of indigestion.
The second possibility is postprandial angina- Pain on the right side below ribs can also be a symptom of angina(heart pain). Medically it is termed as postprandial angina. When a person takes big meal blood supply is diverted towards intestines hence supply to the heart is compromised causing pain.
So initially I would suggest you go for -
Stress test to rule out the possibility of involvement of heart.
An ultrasonogram abdomen- To rule out gall bladder disease.
As of now start taking the medicines I have suggested if the gastric issue is the cause you would be relieved in a day or two.
Hope my answer was helpful.
Follow ups are welcome.