What Causes Sharp Pain Under Rib Cage?
Differential- mainly 4
Detailed Answer:
I am Dr Mittal
There are couple of possibilities.
I will tell them one by one with associated investigations needed.
I am listing the causes as per most important and most possible differential diagnosis.
1. heart condition: though unlikely, it has to be ruled out since the effects of missed diagnosis are obviously drastic. Suggest an ekg
2. chest condition: there is something called as pleura: it covers the lungs. Its infection causes sharp shooting pain. If there is an infection, a chest x ray may help us.
3. musculoskeletal event: any trauma may result into similar pain (occasionally). Our chest x ray should help us diagnose it too.
4. gasrtitis: usually causes a dull pain. But possible, considering the short duration of pain. No investigation needed here. A simple antacid may help.
Best of luck
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Dr Mittal