What Causes Sharp Pain Under Right Breast?
Get to ER and let them help.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking!
Right hypochondriac pain with no past cardiac history makes it less likely to be a heart attack but the pain referral to the jaw and arm needs a little work up and a simple ECG will clear that out.
Once cardiac involvement is ruled out then i am sure obesity and the pain location will make it a hepatobiliary colic and also a gastric pain.
I suggest visit ER.get ekg done. if that sorts out which i am sure it will then further work up like liver functions, pancreatic functions, ultrasound abdomen for gallbladder issues will be needed.
Meanwhile focus on losing weight. as obesity is a ticking time bomb and leads to thousands of troubles. I am sure your issues has a trigger of obesity.
I hope it helps.Take good care and dont forget to close the discussion please
May the odds be ever in your favour.
S Khan