What Causes Small Bumps On Penis With Negative Herpes Test Results?

I want to get connected to Dr. XXXXXXX XXXXXXX Kanodia who has been answering my questions. I am not able to recharge so starting a new thread.
Hello Dr. Kanodia,
thanks for analysing the picture. I have got following questions:
1) You have asked me to keep a watch on the infected area. For how long I should monitor the area?
2) You told these are hair roots but there are few spots on my penis where the hairs are not at all there esp another picture where only 3-4 pimples are there. So, why pimples are on that spot?Do these look like any STD?
3) When you say it is too early to diagnose then after how much time we can do propoer diagnosis?
4) In your view what it can be if it is not simple hair roots? Can it be genital warts or other viral/STD disease?
any testing required at this point of time?
Fever is not there since past 2 days. so not much worried about it. I mentioned it for you to make out if the bumps are due to any viral infection.
I got my herpes result today which is negative. But i am concerned with the rising values in the test. below is the details:
31st Dec Test value Cut off
HSV1 IGG 0.37 0.8
HSV2 IGG 0.44 0.8
HSV1&2 IGM 0.74 0.8
18th Dec Test value Cut off
HSV1 IGG 0.02 0.8
HSV2 IGG 0.04 0.8
HSV1&2 IGM 0.59 0.8
As you can see, the IGG and IGM level have drastically increased now.
1)Can you pls let me know why is this happening?is my antibody level still rising?
2) Do you recommend further testing for this?
3) After seeing the reports and values, are you still confident that i wont have herpes and my reports will be negative even after 8 weeks and 12 weeks?
Herpes and bumps over penis: various suggestions and guidance.
Detailed Answer:
Hello young fellow,
Welcome again to the forum and thanks for sending the details.
I am really happy to know that your herpes test results are negative. I am fully confident now that these will remain negative now onwards.
Now for your further queries:
1- For the bumps on the penis, you should keep a watch for next 2 weeks.
2- As I said in my opinion these appears to be simple proliferation of the hair roots. It means that the oil glands attached to the roots are proliferated. These oil glands are present all over and accordingly can get more pronounced.
3- For ruling out any sexually transmitted infection it requires minimum of 2 weeks from now.
4- Other than simple oil gland proliferation, it can be related to warts or molluscum contagiosum. These are very simple of viral infections which anyone can get even though simple skin to skin contact. To reassure you more, even if we keep this possibility then also these are one of the simplest and curable infections.
There is no need to go for any testing to diagnose warts or molluscum. I suggest you to relax and just keep a watch over the area.
I am also happy to know that the fever has subsided since last two days. I reassure you that this fever was not related to any sexually transmitted infection and s just a part of routine fevers.
Now for the part of herpes testing:
Let you not give so much of the attention on the readings. The only part you should know is that your test results are negative. Even then to guide you more, the tests for IgM and IgG are done by a specific technique of spectroscopy. There is set standard which can be higher or lower. Your test values has nothing to do with possibility of posite status or increase in antibody titer.
I quite often counsel your skin of queries where the person is really anxious regarding the increase in values. SO do not worry about these values. The only part to remember is that it should be below the cut off values.
Hope the information provided would relax you. If you have any further questions, I will be happy to help.
"Wish you good health"
Dr Sanjay K Kanodia
(MD- Dermatology & Sexually Transmitted Diseases)

Thanks for wishes and guidance. Just few questions i have:
1)As you have suggested,i will do HBsAg after 60 days. I hope that will be negative? No need to repeat at 3 months?
2) Do you recommend doing Hep C and VDRL also along with that? What are the chances for these?
3)I have got some relief with your confidence as well that herpes will remain negative but wanted to understand that many websites and guidlines say highest accuracy at 12-16 weeks. So how to get confidence that 6 weeks is conclusive? I have full trust on you sir. No doubt about that. I have been relieved a lot but this question was in my mind so just asking.
4) Not much worried about these bumps as i feel they may be just oil glands becuase similar thing i see on pubic hair which is near penis shaft and near scrotum. worst case if it is warts or molluscum contagiosum then do these virus remain life long and cause such outbreaks whole life?
5)can warts or molluscum contagiosum happen due to kissing? because i doubt in any episode there was good genital to genital contact without condom. probably for few seconds it might have been.
6) there is small boil on thigh. i have attached a picture of that. just wanted to check if it is not due to any STD. i get boils in that area but this time it was very red on top. so just wanted to check. now redness has subsided as you may see in the picture.
7) Again i got a nose boil. this time in other nostril. just inside the nose. it feels from outside lower nose has swelled a bit and it pains. i hope nothing related to herpes or other STD.
Thanks sir for all your help, advise and guidance you have been extending to me so far.
Herpes and various STDs: suggestions and guidance.
Detailed Answer:
Hello young fellow,
Welcome again to the forum and thanks for your further queries.
Regarding your further queries:
1-in my experience 60 days is quite fine in your kind of exposure. In my view it appears to be negative. In any case I also suggest you to go for hepatitis B vaccination if not gone before. I routinely recommend all my patients to go for this vaccination.
2- There is no need to go for Hep C and VDRL. While hepatitis C is rarely or not seen after sexual intercourse and on the other side syphilis is not so common these days.
3-In my experience 6 weeks is quite conclusive and I have never seen any positive case if someone is negative at 42 days. So you can relax on this issue.
4-Though at this time I consider these bumps as simple oil gland proliferation. But even then if we consider either HPV or Molluscum then also are one of the simplest and treatable condition. These never have any impact in future life once cured. You can compare the simplicity of this infection with common cold...as simple and common as that.
5- Warts or Molluscum contagiosum cannot occur due to routine kissing. If the kissing is deep with cuts and abrasions along with exchange of ample of fluids then can be possibility. But overall negligible after routine kissing.
6- I have analyzed the picture and after proper best analysis I can make out simple boil only which will heal up soon.
7-Nose boil is also not a part of any STD. SO you can very well relax for the same.
I am always besides you to help you any ways. I reassure you that you will be totally fine.
Hope the information provided would relax you. If you have any further questions, I will be happy to help.
"Wish you good health"
Dr Sanjay K Kanodia
(MD- Dermatology & Sexually Transmitted Diseases)

Kindly reply URGENTLY!!!
Pls find attached 4 pics of my mouth in this mail. from past few days i am seeing that paling of my skin on upper lips. upper lips and corners of mouth are paling and becoming like skin color. small bumps are also there which are not very raised.
Sir, i am smoking since past 4 years and since past 1.5 years i am doing chain smoking of 35-40 cigarattes a day. i am heavy drinker also.
i am now very scared. why this happened? is it sign of cancer?
i am having small ulcer inside mouth on both sides of inside cheek. it is raised.
is it precancerous growth?
I went to a nearby dermatologist and she told it is submucosal fibrosis and it is pre cancerous growth?
sir, pls let me know if this is pre cancerous? what can i do now?
It is simple "Fordyce spots" which are quite common. Not precancerous.
Detailed Answer:
Hello young fellow,
Welcome again and thanks for posting your pictures.
I can understand your concern for small bumps on upper lips and corners of mouth.
After thoroughly analyzing all the pictures let me first and foremost reassure you that these dots and spots are the normal natural thing of our skin. This is not at all a sign of any precancerous condition or submucous fibrosis.
It is simple "Fordyce spots" which are quite common.
To tell you simply about these spots- these are formed due to more prominence of the sebaceous glands (oil glands) of the skin. As in your it is present inside of mouth, the same kind of spots can be present most commonly on the lips.
The clinical diagnosis do not require any special aid and just mere close visible examination is enough to diagnose the condition. Thanks a lot for your good resolution pictures that the diagnosis of Oral Fordyce spots is beyond any doubt.
The important of the differentiating feature from any other of the skin problem or any disease state is that these are typically painless eruptions and never increase in size more than 1-3 mm.
Many a times I consult persons with your kind of query and being anxious for one or the other things (most commonly warts or oral thrush or anything related). I reassure all of these cases including you also that this is very normal and natural to find such eruptions.
To give you a very important reassuring fact that almost more than 50 -75% people can have lower to higher number of these spots at one or the other places. So if these are increasing in number then is not unnatural.
As it is totally a natural thing in mouth so there is no treatment required for the same. Do not pay any attention and just relax about this normal natural thing of skin.
I fully reassure you again and request you to not to pay so much of attention on these spots.
I hope these information will help you. I will be glad to answer any further of your queries.
Wish you good health.
Dr Sanjay Kumar Kanodia
MD (Dermatology and Sexually transmitted diseases)

i forgot to attach the pictures of inside mouth ulcers which they think may be pre cancerous which they called sub mucosal fibrosis.
i have attached 3 pictures. can you pls comment on that? how serious this is?
even if this is precancerous or sub mucosal fibrosis can this be treated and fully cured?
i heard there are various pre cancerous diseases other than mucosal fibrosis..i am confused sir..
I fully reassure you again for the normal appearance of the mucosa.
Detailed Answer:
Hello young fellow,
Welcome again and thanks for your swift follow up with other of the pictures.
I can understand your concern for the possibility of Oral submucous fibrosis in your oral mucosa.
After thoroughly analyzing all the pictures I am still very firm that your mucosa is quite normal and there are no any sign of anything related to Oral submucous fibrosis.
In Oral submucous fibrosis the mucosa feels leathery with palpable fibrotic bands. You can go on net and can see the various pictures of the same and compare it with yourself.
It is totally a natural appearance in mouth and there is no treatment required for the same.
I fully reassure you again for the normal appearance of the mucosa.
I hope these information will help you. I will be glad to answer any further of your queries.
Wish you good health.
Dr Sanjay Kumar Kanodia
MD (Dermatology and Sexually transmitted diseases)

Since past 2 weeks i am having pain in my left hand. it started with pain in both left hand and left leg. after 2 days leg pain reduced to great level but pain the hand is there. upper back shoulder on left side near neckpains a lot after pressing. the pain in hand and leg increases and reduces throughout the day. i showed to a physician today and he told cervical sponilitis. he has given Pregalin SR 75 for 3 weeks once a day. Kindly check the medicine. on net i saw this is for anxiety, epilepsy as well and can cause mood swings etc. i wanted to ask following:
1) Do you think i should take this medicine or go with 2nd opinion? today i took one tablet.
2) Can this medicine interfere with the STD testings i will have after a month? can it delay the testing or after completing course as well i can have test at 3 months like normal?
3) I have attached the picture of the bumps on the penis. now it is 2 weeks. i dont think the number has increased so far except for one or two more bumps in the same area. however i feel they are little raised and rough. while the bumps on the other side a still not raised and rough. i saw some white solid thing on one or two bumps roots. can we comment on this as normal glands or warts? or still we need to wait some time?
4) I again got a nose boil inside the nostril. this is the third time. it is happening alternately in both nostril since past 1.5 months. is it due to STD or some viral infection or just normal thing?
5) since past couple of weeks my breathlessness has increased. i fall short of breath even when i am talking on phone or sitting. i am really scared and very uncomfortable.
a) can this be due to some STD?
b) as i told i have been smoking 35-40 cigarattes a day since past 1.5 yrs. i have reduced it to 10 since past 3 days. i will surely keep it to 10 and very soon stop. but is there any chance that some serious disease has happened in the lungs? i am on high bp medicine also since past 4 years. i am 25 years old. 5.10 height and 113kg.
6) my left nose is many times kind of blocked since past few months. i feel the mucous production has increased a lot in that nose. this is solid mucous whihc i have to remove from hands. when i put my finger deeper inside the nose on left side i feel some swelling is there. can this be due to some kind of serious disease? i read somewhere some kind of cancer also increases mucous production and more tissues in nos which block breathing.
7) i have to go to stool for 4-5 times a day. the motion is normal and not wattery. urine is dark yellow. not hepatitis right?
8) lastly i am very scared due to STDs, my problems due to smoking etc. i dont know how to come out of it. i wont again do sex stupidity. i have reduced smoking and will stop very soon. sir, pls tell me do u feel i am perfectly fine? I dont have any STD including HPV or other viruses whihc might have got tranferred during kissing or any serious skin disease? can i be all right in future if i change my habits n lifestyle?
My all best wishes for your healthy life.
Detailed Answer:
Hello young fellow,
Welcome again to the forum and thanks for your follow up.
Regarding your further queries:
1-As per your symptoms, this is quite good medicine and should take a course as suggested by the doctor. It appears to be basically a neuralgic pain and accordingly Pregabalin is suggested to you. There is no need of any second opinion at this time.
2- This medicine do not interfere wit either testing or its results. So no need to get worried for the same.
3- I have interpreted the pciture and can make out totally normal skin with prominent oil glands.
4- Recurrent nose boil can be due to simple infection so no need to get worried for the same. It is not due to any STD and is normal thing.
5- a- the breathlessness is not a part of any STD.
b- It is also not a sign of any serious disease and can be just due to anxiety as well as lot smoking.
6-Do not get anxious for any possibility of selling inside nose. You are not supposed to do such things. It is not a common feature to produce mucus on higher side in any cancer and not at all like your problem.
7- Your stool frequency on higher side is due to high anxiety states. It is not related to any type of hepatitis.
Presently you are totally alright and if you will improve your daily routine then would get better and best also.
My all best wishes for your healthy life.
With regards,

1) I have started the course of pregabalin. can i take it before or after alcohol as well or drinking should be avoided totally with this medicine?
2) i can understand breathlessness can be due to anxiety. little breathlessness was there since this entire episode started but it has increased now since past 1 week. this breathlessness is different than before. kind of shortness of breath which i experience frequently like while talking also many times. should i consult any chest doctor for X-Ray and respiratory problem or just relax and fortget bout it? it causes little uncomfortness though. Physician told it can be due to anxiety or overweight. he didnt check my chest with stethoscope or anything. it might be because i am already tensed to he doesnt want to get into it or he really feels there is no problem? i showed to ENT for nose thing. he says it is normal structure and no problem in nose and throat though. i am just worried there should not be any major issue in lungs and if this is any symptom then i can go to chest doctor and get tests done. pls advise.
3) Will do the testing after 60 days. after that can i forget and stop testing if everything is fine?
4) can we rule out HPV as well totally?
STDs and chest issue: various suggestions.
Detailed Answer:
Hello young buddy,
Welcome back!!!
I am really happy to know that you have reduced smoking and will soon going to quit.
Regarding your further queries:
1- I suggest you to not to take with alcohol. Though it is very safe drug but still for the part of safety, it is better to avoid it.
2- You should consult a chest doctor. Though I am pretty confident that most of your chest symptoms are due to anxiety but it would be better for confirmation and therefore to relax your mind.
3- A hepatitis B testing at 60 days is quite fine to relax you from the anxiety of the same.
4- In my observation it doesn't appear to be HPV so can relax for the same.
I hope these information will help you. I will be glad to answer any further of your queries.
Wish you good health.
Dr Sanjay Kumar Kanodia
MD (Dermatology and Sexually transmitted diseases)

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