What Causes Spinning Sensation, Pounding Heart Beat And Discomfort Movements In Neck?
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I read your question carefully and I am sorry about the symptoms that you are experiencing.
I must confess I would tend to agree with your doctors that if the MRI do not show any abnormalities there is no point in operating. So other causes should be considered for your vision spinning and abnormal sensations.
Neck vessels should be examined. I wonder if the MRI studied only the spine or also the vertebral vessels, the ones supplying with blood the posterior part of the brain. Those vessels can be studied with doppler ultrasound, Angio CT or Angio MRI. Their narrowing (by for example atherosclerosis) can lead to transitory lack of blood supply to the posterior part of the brain.
Also even if those result normal the possibility of Bow hunter syndrome, a dynamic narrowing might be considered, narrowing only on certain movements. It can be evaluated by angiography. It is an invasive test though and should be done only if there is a strong suggestion for that and all other causes have been excluded.
Anxiety must also be considered. Symptoms like heart pounding do not have much to do with the neck issues, and can be produced by anxiety along with such spinning and cold sensations. Also I asssume some routine blood tests like blood count, glucose, liver and kidney function tests, electrolytes, thyroid function, vitamin B12 deficiency have been done.
I remain at your disposal for further questions.
Also, I know doctors don't recognize that the vagus can't be stimulated. But 18 months ago I bent over to pick something up and as I reached forward my neck cracked hard and locked on. My heart pounded as if I had walked up the nearby cliff. Afterwards I could feel the damage at the right side of head. I definitely have too much movement. I started to have partial seizures, one side of body, my head twitches, sometimes down into chest. Didn't have any of these symptoms prior to MRI and physo. I am good at keeping anxiety down but the symptoms are getting very unpleasant. Horrible area to have something wrong.
My Surgeon said years ago that he would stabilize C2 but then when he realized that the axial joint had a weakness he referred me to London. I saw Mr. XXXXXXX at UCL for years. They just monitored me. Maybe I need to be brave and write and tell him what is happening. I just wish I could help myself. I've tried sitting carefully, physio. Some days the neck is comfortable and lined up. Today all feels wrong. So hard to keep having set backs. I HATE that it is in tiger territory. I was writing my book today and saw the words spin. Thought I was having a stroke. Excuse me spoiling over but hard when I don't know where to turn.
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Thank you for that additional info. I must confess though that I am somewhat confused. You say that the MRI never reveals anything, but then the surgeon wanted to stabilize C2!!
Also you speak of seizures but that sort of issue doesn't produce partial seizures, even if spinal cord involvement produced any such thing it wouldn't involve the face.
You speak of vagal nerve stimulation, but the vagal nerve leaves the skull at the jugular foramen, whether there is any issue at the atlanto-axial joint it shouldn't affect the vagal nerve.
So from an anatomical point of view many things in your description do not correlate and I can't help but think that there is at least partially a psychological component to your situation.
Perhaps if you could upload some x-ray and MRI reports, or doctor's reports I might create a better idea.
Looking forward to hearing from you again.
The surgeon was in charge of the Spinal Hospital in Essex and said my symptoms were classic of transverse ligament rupture
After so long I thought it had healed. The only psychological element is frustration that it is all worse and fear when it is happening. Anger that I have tried so hard to do everything to help myself and now the visual disturbances have added to it all since the physio.
I was a nurse, and a psychotherapist and I meditate. Yes, I am worried. Very unpleasant when it happens.
I think the seizures happen when movement is different. All postural. Very hard to imagine when you have a strong neck and healthy ligaments.
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I am really sorry about the obvious frustration and distress you are feeling.
I still do not see how a seizure, one involving the face can be related to your neck problems, that type of seizure you described originates in the brain. As for the surgeon I understand he might have suspected a ligament rupture at first, but it is something which is detectable by MRI, so if an MRI was done at the time it should have revealed it as well.
As I said, perhaps if you could upload some reports I might be able to be more helpful, right now it is hard to make any additional suggestions.
I hope things will get better soon.