What Causes Sudden Decrease In Kidney Function While On Chemotherapy?
kidney problems don't always show up on CT
Detailed Answer:
Hello and thank you for your question.
Decreases in kidney function can occur with many medications and chemotherapy is a common cause. This type of damage can be at a cellular level that would not show up on a CT scan. CT scans and MRI show large changes in kidney structure such as tumors and stones with changes in the architecture of the kidney.
The good news is that this type of decrease in kidney function can be followed closely with blood tests and often resolves once the patient is off the medication causing the problem.
Consulting a nephrologist may also be helpful since they are the experts in kidney function.
The fever and infection need to be carefully followed and all possible sources of infection need to be ruled out. It is true that people can get a fever from certain medications and even cancer can in some cases cause an elevation in body temperature.
I hope your husband makes a rapid and full recovery.
Dr. Robinson
Is it unusual for kidney function to go down suddenly, ie within 3 or 4 days ?
Can kidney function problems lead to shortness of breath?
it is not unusual
Detailed Answer:
Hello and thank you for the follow up.
It is not unusual for kidney function to decrease rapidly, especially in people on chemotherapy. That is why they monitor it so carefully.
Kidney function decreasing would not cause shortness of breath but some conditions like heart failure could cause both shortness of breath and a decrease in kidney function. Since he is in the hospital I am sure they are monitoring him for heart conditions so that is not very likely.
Dr. Robinson