What Causes Sudden Muscle Twitching In The Legs?
Some possible causes to avoid
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for using Healthcaremagic to post your question.
I read it carefully and I understand your concern.
Muscle twitching in general can be a problem that is nothing to worry about and goes away within a short time.
It is good that you have increased your fluid intake because dehydration can cause them.
Also, limit the amount of coffee, smoking and other possible stimulating drinks because these may give twitching too, which goes after a short time.
Exercising can be a cause. So if you have started to exercise recently, consider stopping for some days and see if twitching gets better.
Most commonly if happens because of the position of a part of the body and stops as soon as you move or touch that area.
Stress and anxiety can definitely cause it.
And finally, some type of medication or medical problems can be a cause.
My advice is to try avoid some of the above cause, what is possible, and if not better but worse in 2 weeks, consider seeing your local doctor to run a general check up and needed labs.
Hope this makes sense and helps you.
Let me know if you have other questions or concerns.