What Causes Swelling And Irritation Inside The Vagina?
It is better to take earlier appointment with Doctor.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Healthcare Magic.
I am Dr Ramadevi Wani. I will be answering your concerns.
I have read your notes. Do you have vaginal discharge? Since you have not responded to antifungal treatment, it is not fungal infection.
From your notes it appears to be one of the conditions below:
1. Bacterial infection.
2. Atrophic vaginitis- Due to low estrogen levels at this age, the vaginal lining thins out and becomes easily prone to inflammation and irritation.
3.Lichen Sclerosis- It is chronic inflammation of the skin due to over activity of the immune system. In this condition there are usually white patches on vulva or in other parts of the body. Do you have any such white patches?
I suggest that it is better to take earlier appointment with your doctor. Your doctor may take swabs, skin scrapings and even sometimes skin biopsy to make a correct diagnosis.
I hope this is helpful.
If you have further concerns, I will be happy to answer .
Best wishes,
Dr Rama.
Thank you,
There are specific steroid ointments available to treat the condition.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.
If your doctor has mentioned about lichen sclerosis last year then probably it is that condition causing these symptoms to you. You need to get a skin biopsy done to confirm the diagnosis.
There are specific steroid ointments available which your doctor will prescribe to treat the condition. So don't worry.
If you have further concerns, do write to me.
Best wishes,
Dr Rama