What Causes Swelling In Armpit,collar Bone ,face And Hair Loss?
jan-one breast changed in size texture and color nipple leaked (not breastfed in 13 years) XXXXXXX mamo showed density and some thickening no calcificatio
Blood work was normal accept elevated platlet count and elevated Creactive protein.
Breast surgeon said no lump no cancer do see a derm
March - derm said NOT foloculitis acne oil dry skin buy my cream. Go see GP for lymphnodes
GP said white count fine no infection new blood work platlets high proteins high BR high Cholestrol dangerous and Vitamin D no change in breast sent me back to breast surgeon.
Another mamo over 75 percent density - ultrasound found same cysts and skin leasons no calcification "you fine"
4 minths later armpit looks like a golf ball throat swollen collar bone swollen and thick skin hair loss lesions on scalp. Night sweats day sweats. Severe sweling of my face and shooting pain in my nipples has not subsided in 6 momths. Im at a road block.
whole body PET Scan
Detailed Answer:
Since your breast changed in size texture and color and nipple leaked in january though you have not breastfed in 13 years and now after 4 months there is a golf ball like swelling in armpit ,throat and collar bone swollen and thick skin hair loss lesions on scalp and ultrasound found some cysts my advise is to go for a whole body PET CT scan.
If any space occupying lesion is found in the scan then to do biopsy from the lesion to rule out malignancy.
I would also recommend a course of antibiotic like amoxicillin and clavulanate for 7 days for collar bone and throat swelling.
For nipple pain you can take paracetamol tablets twice daily.
Hope i have answered your query