What Causes Swelling In Leg After A Gallbladder Surgery?
reaction to anesthetic
Detailed Answer:
Hello and thank you for the question,
It could just be a reaction to the anesthetic or other medications given during the surgery. Avoid salt and salty foods and move your legs around as much as possible even when you are sitting still. If severe pain develops or if the swelling is not resolving in a few days then see your doctor. If both legs are swollen then this is less concerning than one swollen leg. If one leg is much more swollen than the other then you probably need to see a doctor or go to Emergency today. Occasionally people get a blood clot after a surgery but this usually just results in one leg swelling. If both are swollen that is less concerning.
Avoiding salt, moving your legs around and propping the up will all help the swelling resolve.
I hope you get some relief soon,
Dr. Robinson