What Causes Swollen Glands In Throat?
Culture of throat swab is recommended...
Detailed Answer:
I have gone through your medical history and understood your concerns.
Having persistent swollen glands in your throat is indicative for:
- weak immune system, thus, you are more prone to viral infections that can precipitate to bacterial throat infection
- you might be suffering of chronic angina (Should discuss this further with ENT specialist)
- the antibiotics you used failed to treat infection. A culture of throat swab is highly recommended at this point to determine the right type of infection and proper treatment
- you might be living/staying in a community setting where it is easy for you to get throat infection
- If you are using prednisone on regular basis, I advise to stop using it. Sometimes, cortisonics like prednisone, might weaken more your immune system, thus, making more susceptible to infection
- take multivitamin supplementation containing zinc and other vitamins and minerals that can strengthen your immune system.
You can discuss my advice with your doctor in order to identify what the real problem is and how to get proper treatment.
Do not forget to keep a good oral hygiene.
Wish fast recovery!