What Causes Throat Pain And Hoarse Voice?

it happens since 4-5 months.........
my larynx / voice box / throat gets paining and more during continuous or speech higher than normal.. no problem during swallowing and breathing.
simulteneously observing light hoarseness.
1] I am a Professor in college. Its exam time now... hence better .. but i want result before semester start... becuase my job is related to my larynx (voice)
2] almost 1 month treatment under Dr. XXXXXXX {ENT-MS} then 1 and half month under treatment of Dr. XXXXXXX Phadke (ENT- MS) @ kopargaon
firstly - indirect laryngoscopy - finds some reddishness on larynx - gives a tablet etc for 15 days -- reduce reddishness but no result in pain
secondly - direct laryngoscopy - The instrument / tube is placed in the back of throat -- A normal result means the throat, voice box, and vocal cords appear normal.
again tables for 10 days -- no results.
4] simultaneously do speech theropy / exercise -- pronounce "a" "e" "u" as per suggested by doctor since 2 months and Garara of hot water and salt.
5] switch the doctor - Dr. Kothari (general practitioner) - he gives the tablet to strenghten the larynx Muscles/tissues (vitamin, minerals, iron etc.) --- 10 days -- results not up to satisfaction.
6] fourth doctor (Ayurvedic) said that dont get feared...its not laryngitis....becuase your voice is normal...and larynx also normal as you said....
but pain may occuring becuase of indigestion and constipation problem ....yes i have this issue since many years...
now doing ayurvedic treatment since 5-6 days... no satisfactory result.....
My routine- no smoking, no tea-coffee, no oily food etc.
7]WHAT YOU THINK? PLEASE SUGGEST.. what i can do other than this?? Should i go to Gastroenterologist or another ENT surgeon??
i am having indigestion and constipation problem since many years (as i remember 15 years)......
1] not free stool
2] 5-6 times a day
3] blakish, brownish colour of stool through out year
4] semisolid in nature
5] toilet 10-15 times in a day
6] no movement or any difference in bowel/colon even after any tablet or churn taken for clear the latrin
Burning in the stomach or upper abdomen - very rare
Abdominal pain - once or twise in year
Bloating (full feeling) - no
Belching and gas - gas from down
Nausea and vomiting -no
Acidic taste - sometime
Growling stomach - no
Loss of appetite- no
weight loss - no increase or decrease since 15 years
should i go for Endoscopy and Colonoscopy etc......
Voice rest and diet/lifestyle modifications
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for your query.
I'm Dr. Shuba Hariprasad and will be answering your query today.
I have read through your concern and queries.
I would :
-get a detailed medical, family and personal history
-clinically examine you throughly to check for signs of inflammation in the throat, gastritis in addition to a general exam.
- get some blood tests (complete blood count, kidney and liver function tests)
- advice for an endoscopy and colonoscopy
- do a repeat direct laryngoscopy to check for any vocal cord abnormalities.
Based on the above results and clinical findings I would like to rule out gastric/duodenal ulcers, Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), vocal cord nodes/inflammation.
My recommendation :
- voice rest for a month
- avoid chalk dust and fumes from a white board marker (wear a moist face mask while you teach to prevent these from irritating your throat and to keep your throat moist)
-drink warm (not hot or cold) water every 15-20 MI uses while you talk
-if exposed to dust, pollution, cover face with handkerchief (slightly wet)
- avoid staying hungry for too long
- avoid spicy, oily, fried and restaurant foods. And sugary, carbonated, caffeinated beverages.
-drink water through out the day
- Chew foods throughly (longer) before swallowing
-have smaller and frequent meals
-avoid refined grains, processed foods, too much animals protein
-have whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, nut, seeds.
- milk is a natural antacids. Have a mouthful right before bedtime.
- don't slouch or lie down for two hours after meals.
-certain foods can aggravate symptoms. Maintain a diary of what you eat/drink and see which are the culprit foods (commonly beans, cabbage, potatoes, peas, lentils)
I would recommend you try my suggestions for 2 weeks and if not better, see your doctor for the above tests.
Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.
Wish you good health.
Dr. Shuba Hariprasad

soon i will go to gastroenterologist and do the endo & colonoscopy.
i will share the reports with you...
is following problems are related with my indigestion and constipation.
1) my cheeks/part below the cheeks are in..(गाल बेठे हुए है..)
2) my weight is low and constant since 12 years (my age-32, height-5.8")
3) no glow and brightness on my face..
please suggest the solution/ home remedies/ exercise for above issues...
Family history:- no one having indigestion and constipation in my family. We have ideal diet, pure veg, no any addiction etc.
last week Dr. said that your lever/ digestion system is week and need to strengthen it.
larynx pain and hoarseness problem can be occur due to indigestion?
please suggest the list of vegetables, pulses, other food should be avoid to get release from acidic etc problem and list the name of same should be added in meal to enhance disease resistive power...
thanks... lease reply...
Gastritis can cause throat inflammation and hoarseness
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the follow up.
To answer your queries
- please mention your weight.
-. Hollow cheeks do not cause any problems.
- no weight gain from the age of 12 is worrisome (depends on your current weight) and needs to be investigated
- lack of glow and Lustre can be due to poor health and lack of nutritious diet.
- gastritis and GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) can cause throat and laryngeal irritation and hoarseness.
Recommendations :
- please check your thyroid and adrenal gland function (TSH, free T3 and free T4, salivary Cortisol - 4 samples in a day)
- do a routine check to rule out diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol (blood tests - HbA1C, fasting and post Prandial blood glucose levels, fasting lipid profile, kidney and liver function tests
- urine and stool routine test, and electrocardiogram.
These are for a complete work up with relevance to your current problems and should be decided upon after you have seen an internist/Physician.
-exercise is for half an hour a day at least, if your doctor says you are OK to do so
- refined grains, processed foods, store bought meals, restaurants
- sugary, carbonated, caffeinated beverages beverages and fruit juices (unless made at home without sugar)
-avoid long gap between meals and take smaller and frequent meals.
- plastic or Tupperware containers, storage
- whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables (any and all- make sure they are free of pesticides and are not ripened artificially)
-whole nuts seeds, dry fruits
- sprouts, porridge (ragi, oats, barley, millets)
- Have plenty of water throughout the day.
-steel, glass or ceramic containers, storage
Hope this helps.
Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.
Wish you good health
Dr. Shuba Hariprasad

finally Endoscopy & Colonoscopy done..
Reports- Normal, Nil..found nothing...
I asked the Dr. XXXXXXX Shinde - surgeon in XXXXXXX if reports are nil then what about my these 2 issues that is,
1) larynx, throat, muscle pain- for that we done endo to rule out GERD
2) indigestion/ constipation problem(my symptoms discussed with u earlier)- for that we done colonoscopy..
he replied with smile and said for both problems the cause reason may be your stress, tension, diet style, mentally concentration here only etc..
(he added, "from our side everything is Ok, now you start homeopathy or Ayurvedic treatment as you told me" )
Also for throat/larynx muscles pain visit ENT again and if required then go for LARYNGOGRAPHY - available only @ mangeshkar hospital, XXXXXXX near to us.
for stomach, stool related issue go for exercise, be relax, follow the guidelines what to eat or not? how to eat etc.
what you think? any suggestion on above discussion..
after that please reply for this...
1) hollow chicks is not a problem.. but it is important factor related ones personality....
How to get chicks above? any exercise...
2) my weight is 53 since 12 years..any solution
3) what is ideal way of to drink water? means wait time before/ after meal ? quantity?
4)Important:- my throat+larynx paining plus muscles near to throat, larynx, neck also paining since 4 months...
any medicine/exercise to resolve this or to strengthen these muscles?
thanks..please reply...
Voice rest. IBS (lifestyle modifications and stress management)
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the follow up.
Glad to hear that your scopies turned out to normal.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is diagnosed when no structural abnormalities are present.
As your doctor has suggested, this is related to lifestyle and stress management. Practice yoga/meditation, deep breathing exercises.
Identify what adds to your stress and try to prevent it.
To answer your queries :
- diet as mentioned in my earlier reply. Maintain a diary as to what you eat and drink and see which types of food aggravates your symptoms.
Moderate amount of fiber (natural sources are better than supplements).
Chew your food well
-water on be avoided during meals times (a few small sips are ok) and for half an hour afterward. Have room temperature or warm water.
Have plenty of water throughout the day otherwise about 2-3 liters.
- putting on weight may make your cheeks more full. Other than this no natural way to increase cheeks. Artificial cheek implantation is an option. I would, however, advice against it (purely cosmetic surgery and exposure to unnecessary risks).
- exercise and a protein rich diet will help gain muscle mass an improve your weight.
-you mentioned that you felt better when you rested your throat. I advice this. Take a 2 month break from teaching. Take voice rest. This should help is recovery.
Continuous use of muscles will lead to problems especially when they already show signs of overuse and fatigue.
Try to talk in a normal pitch and not shout or be too loud. This causes added strain. Take frequent breaks from teaching. Sip warm water and avoid irritant substance (wear a mask, use dustless chalk). If your symptoms persist or worsen, get a second ENT opinion.
I sincerely hope that you feel better.
Try to follow my advice, may take sometime but it will help.
Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.
Dr. Shuba Hariprasad

After the end of 4 month, all reports, diagnosis and doctors opinion can we come to the conclusion that there is nothing serious regarding my throat problem?
Test Done – 1)laryngoscopy (I &D),
2)endoscopy, 3)colonoscopy – All reports are normal.
4)CURRENTLY My voice is clear, can talk normally
5)No pain during breathing, swallowing etc
But still I having following issues…
1] Pain in neck/throat/larynx -in Hypothyroid muscles, sternothyroid, sternocleido-mastoid, sternohyoid, exterior-posterior muscles of neck/throat triangle of the neck that is nep of neck, Jugular veins (arteries and veins) – (I m searching these names on net and also I am showing this one of my relative studying in 2nd year of medical, she tell me the names of these parts), some shoulder part and part just below and side of throat and neck, bones near throat
2] After continuous and loud talking feels LIGHT hoarseness and some wound feeling in throat/larynx.
3] feels that required more power or more stress to talk
3] when give lethargy (aalas after wake up etc), due to stress its pains.
I think all it happens due to weakness of muscles or any vein is choke up or no blood circulation?
Its needing to strengthen the muscles
Please suggest oil/ointment for massage to strengthen the muscles, veins etc and to reduce the pain.
How to massage or use this ointments? – from top to bottom or reverse.
OR Please suggest the medicines or content which will resolve this problem (vitamin, iron, minerals etc if any)
Is GERD is rule out from endoscopy?
One problem I am not mentioned throughout our whole discussion that is, i have to go to toilet (urinal) many times. Within 5-10 minutes I feel to again for urinal. Suppose in the evening if I drink 2 glass of water it gets remove within 1 -1.5 hr in 4-5 times.
Now I am decided that from tomorrow up to next month I will go for oil massage, ayurvedic kadha (hot – for throat shek), voice rest, exercise etc. Even after not get results then only will visit another ENT.
Mam my name is XXXX and not XXX (XXXXX
Thank you.
Prostate enlargement, urinary tract infection
Detailed Answer:
Hello Mr. XXXXX
Thank you for the follow up.
Sorry about the name.
If all your tests are normal, then you do not have GERD. Voice rest and avoiding straining your throat by limiting teaching time and avoid loud talking should prevent recurrence.
If the muscles you mentioned are weak, you wouldn't be able to do even what you do now. Please use moderation in activities related to voice.
Massaging with oil may help relieve muscle spasms and improve circulation. It should be done gently in circular motions.
The exact way to massage a particular muscle depends on the muscle being massaged and the associated problem. This is best judged by a medical professional who can examine you directly.
Having a well balanced, nutritious diet will suffice.
Your urinary symptoms would lead me to primarily rule out prostate enlargement or urinary tract infection.
Do you have any other symptoms (discomfort or sense of incomplete voiding just after passing urine, fever, burning sensation)?
How long have you had these urinary symptoms for?
I recommend:
-rectal exam to check for prostate enlargement
-a blood PSA level
-a urine analysis
-an ultrasound abdomen to check for size of prostate and post voidal Residual urine.
Did you have any of these done? Or mentioned to any of the doctors you consulted?
Hope this helps.
Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.
Wish you good health
Dr. Shuba Hariprasad

following test done
Blood, urine, thyroid, kidney & lever function, diabetes etc. - All reports are nil & normal.
Regarding PSA - our family dr. said that we will go for sonography to check prostate status if required.
Mam, what is covered in or WILL outcomes of Laryngography?
In which tests we can check the current situation, function, status of larynx , throat related veins, arteries and bones.
Now i am observing/ obey the almost average 18-20 hr मौन (no talking)...will see the results.
please suggest the any ointment / oil for massage to strengthen these muscles.
thank you..
Please try voice rest first
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the follow up.
A laryngography would show any lesions in the Larynx (voice box)
An MRI would show details about the local tissue structures surrounding the throat. To check for proper blood flow, an angiography would be required.
May I please suggest that you try voice rest first before going for these advanced scans.
Regular massage with Virgin coconut oil is fine.
If muscles feel sore, diclofenac ointments (Voveran) for local application can help relieve symptoms. Apply this gel after a warm bath, in circular motion.
Hope this helps.
Wish you good health,
Dr. Shuba Hariprasad

Earlier laryngoscopy shows that there is nothing any abnormal in larynx. Still is it required to go for laryngography to check any lesion in larynx?
☝Any abnormality in larynx muscles or near muscles / veins due to which causes this voice problem can be detected in laryngography?
Diclofenac ointments- voveron or voltaren?
Even though if we use this gel externally, will it be harmful to me anyway?
Virgin coconut oil- virgin is type of oil or name of brand?
I am decided to visit another ENT doctor (Dr. indorwala in Nashik) to detect exact problem and its location. Because with this issue i am also observing slight pain in Ear and very little cold (सर्दी) in night.
Mam, please answer - As you know that i face a Problem- 1) required more power and stress when talk. 2) when talk continuously or normally loud feeling hoarseness and some time feeling like wound/lesion in throat.3) almost continuous pain around throat (no problem during swallowing, breathing)
Please consult ENT to advice about tests
Detailed Answer:
Laryngography shows how the vocal cords function. I recommend that you consult the ENT specialist. Once he has examined you, a decision can be made if laryngography is required or not.
From your symptoms (Ear pain) and hoarseness on strain, it seems to be most likely a problem above the larynx/vocal cords.
Avoiding strain and practicing voice rest should help. I would suggest that you attempt to talk /teach without raising your voice too much and taking frequent breaks in between.
To answer your queries :
- laryngography gives similar information to that of laryngoscopy
-Virgin coconut oil is pure type of coconut oil. It is not processed.
-Voveran can be used for a short period (about 7-10days continuously and if it helps, you may use it as needed.)
Absorption into the body is minimal when applied properly.
I personally think that you need voice rest and have to change the way you talk/teach to prevent worsening or recurrence.
All scans may be normal in this scenario, unless there is a node on the vocal cords which is easily detected by a laryngoscopy. The treatment of this, too, is voice rest and surgery to remove the node.
Oils, anti inflammatory gels have use in muscular strain where it acts by improving circulation. I don't think it will do much to help you with your symptoms.
I hope you feel better
Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.
Dr. Shuba Hariprasad

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