What Causes Tickling Sensation In Throat?
I have had this for months, even years if I think about it/ Last year I was sent for a swallow test, the breathing test. It is getting more and more difficult to handle every day affairs. I still work and sometimes cant go to work because I end up with bladder leakage.
Explained in detail
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome
Your concern is appreciated
Cough is common reflex mechanism to clear throat of mucus or foreign irritants
number of conditions causing frequent bout of coughing are there
Persistent cough lasting more than 8 weeks is chronic cough
Normally cough occur when airways get irritated with anything or to clear mucus
Respiratory track infection are more commonly assosiated with it
Post nasal drip due to sinusitis or rhinosinusitis
Severe allergies can make your airway very sensitive to many things and can cause constant irritations resulting in cough.
Smoking can cause chronic cough as do exposure to irritants like second hand smoke wood smoke cooking fumes dust and toxic chemicals ; air pollution can play a significant
medication like ACE inhibitors
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Brochiactasis tuberculosis
Lung cancer
Congestive heart failure
Pulmonary edema
vocal cords damage
Obstructive sleep apnea
Chest X ray, blood tests like WBC count ,throat examination, indireat lyrngoscopy,spirometry ,CT chest can be done
You can discuss it with your doctor
Hope it will help
Wishing you best of health
Dr M.S Khalil
I've never smoked, I don't have asthma. My chest xray was clear.
I do have afib and myrtal regurgitation. But my stress tests are fine.
Should I go to a eye,ear,nose throat doctor for more answers.
I have some calcified tumors on my thyroid. Nothing serious.
Which doctor would you suggest I go to first, since my allergist and general doctor have not come up with a solution.
Thanks. I really would appreciate some suggestions.
Detailed Answer:
Hello again.
I am extremely sorry for your distress.
I can understand your agony but it was all the possible causes for cough having persistent incapacitating cough without any observable cause is very unusual and for that reason difficult to diagnose and in turn difficult to treat because if a cause cant be found how can be correctly cured only symptomatic treatment that is cough suppresents are given.
To your answer as which doctor you should consult
You should definately ENT specialist you said previously that you have postnasal drip , postnasal drip stimulate cough receptors in hypophrynx or layrnx its then refered to as upper airway cough syndrome people withit has more sensitive upper airway cough reflex which can be contributing to the pathogenesis of cough and futher throat examination, phayrnx, larynx all can be examined by him. Secondly consult a pulmonologist, CT chest can be advised and bronchoscopy can also be done to exclude any other indetectible cause.
Arteriovenous malform ation in lungs can cause chronic severe cough in other wise normal people.
Thyroid calcification or any masses can compress upon recurrent laryngeal nerve which can cause hoarsness of the voice.
Hope it helps
Dr M.S Khalil