What Causes Tightness In Chest And Dizziness With Breathing Difficulty?
Need investigations
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Dear friend,
Welcome to Health Care Magic
You should discuss with your Internist
Chest tightness and/or breathlessness, related to effort should be investigated for Coronary Artery Disease. See a Cardiologist / get yourself examined / investigation will be necessary...
EKG / HOLTER (24 to 48 hour ambulatory monitoring) / ECHOcardiogram / TMT (Treadmill exercise ECG) / LABORATORY work-up – may all be necessary for further assessment and assistance. If the routine EKG is normal, it is better to have a Treadmill Exercise Electrocardiogram (TMT).
If there are no clues, you ought to see a Pulmonologist (Lung specialist) – X-ray chest & Spirometry (Lung function) tests will be in order.
The treating doctor may suggest further depending on need, based on his assessment of the situation. Prognosis is good at this age...
Take care
Good luck
Investigate to exclude & reassure..
Detailed Answer:
A normal ECG is reassuring / however a stress ECG is necessary to exclude
Blood pressure tends to rise with age / most people need more than 2 drugs to control
The maximum dose of Lisinopril is up to 40 mg; it can be stepped up later – depending on the level of pressure / Generally, we keep the dose of HCTZ same / You are in good hands; your doctor has done the right thing
Gemfibrosil manages triglycerides better than cholesterol / it may be replaced by a statin, if necessary. Life style changes are equally important – diet & exercise; no tobacco or alcohol…
Dizziness is vague term - unsteadiness. If there is definite sense of rotation, it is called vertigo. If it is from getting up from bed, it may be from postural hypo-tension.. Did you check your BP – standing and lying? / It can be from anaemia – what is your haemoglobin? The body's balancing mechanism is in the inner ear. An ENT (Ear Nose Throat) specialist is the one to see - they have special tests to confirm or exclude the contribution of the ear. This is particularly important if there is tinnitus.
Indeed, Anxiety could explain all the features… yet, we generally make it an exclusion diagnosis… Stress EKG is an important help in this regard. If it is only Anxiety – the drug or the dose may be modified… Anxiety cause arrhythmia > Arrhythmia causes anxiety > a vicious cycle sets in. Many cases of palpitation are benign, especially when associated with normal ECHO and may not require treatment. Drugs like Beta-blockers are useful in such situations – they have multiple benefits and help in blood pressure, anxiety, arrhythmia and so on..
The tests are meant to rule out anything. Heart disease is not at all common in women and at this age. Be positive. All has been well till now / will be well in future too. Take things easy. At the same time, practice relaxation exercises, bio-feedback, yoga and so on.