What Causes Tingling Sensation In The Right Hand While Breastfeeding?
Last night I was feeling unusually sleepy and exhausted. I took a nap and when I woke up I noticed my right hand was feeling tingly. I didn’t think much of it because I was sleeping with my newborn and thought she maybe had slept on my right hand. After I while I got off the couch to go into my room and lay down. I then closed my eyes and it’s hard to explain what happened. I saw a bunch of shapes and like tracers, along with a disoriented feeling. As soon as I would open my eyes I felt better, but I continued to feel a little dizzy and scared. I noticed my right hand was slightly weaker than my left when I made a fist. I had a deep tissue massage last week and I feel he may have pressed too hard on my neck. My neck hurts a little in the right side.
Do you think I may have had a TIA? Should I take some aspirin? I’m currently breastfeeding. I live in a small town with a hospital that is not that great, should I have my husband drive me to the nearest city tomorrow and go to the ER?
Thank you
Not enough arguments for TIA.
Detailed Answer:
I read your question carefully and I understand your concern.
Looking at those symptoms I do not think there is any strong indication of stroke. I suppose you are scared of having a neck artery dissection since you mention the massage and the neck pain. However, you mention the pain to be on the same side as the involved hand which doesn’t correspond as a brain lesion on the right side would produce symptoms on the left.
The shapes and tracers you have seen when closing your eyes are not a manifestation of a stroke or any other lesion of the brain, they do not correspond to a particular brain area. They were probably phosphenes, a natural phenomenon due to inherent electrical discharges of the retina.
So the remaining symptom would be the hand numbness. It is difficult to exclude with certainty its being due to stroke, but given the involvement only of the hand (not the entire limb or both right limbs) and the lack of other symptoms aren’t typical for stroke/TIA. Other causes such as peripheral nerve issues, anxiety, would be much more likely. I do not think there are enough arguments for taking aspirin or going to the ER, at least not for going to another city.
I remain at your disposal for other questions.