What Causes Tingling Sensation On Penile Tip After Unprotected Intercourse?
Get HSV 1&2 Antibodies tests done.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for query. Welcome to health care magic.
I am Dr Bharatesh D Basti answering your query. I have gone through the details.
Herpes simplex virus 1 or 2 can manifest as grouped vesicles (water filled lesions),with irritation or burning or itching.Some may remain asymptomatic too.Some may have only burning or tingling sensation without lesions.
They are known for recurrence.
You can get tested for HSV 1&2 IgM and IGG antibodies.
You can send clear photos if any lesions.
It may be due to irritation or anxiety too. Do not over clean the area .Use mild soap or cleanser to clean the area.
You can get back for any clarification.
Thank you
Dr Bharatesh D Basti
Dermatologist and venereolgist
Can be done in any reputed laboratory.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for follow up query.
You can go for any moisturing soaps.Mild Cleanser like cetaphil should be okay.
Smears can be done when there are active Lesions.
Blood antibodies test can be done for HSV 1&2 IgG and IgM antibodies. Any good laboratory will do these tests.Though the tests are not fully sensitive can be of some help.
Symptoms may be due to anxiety.
You can get back for any clarification.
Thank you
Dr Bharatesh D Basti
Unlikely due to herpes.May be due to irritation.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for follow up query.
I have gone through the photos.I do not see any rash suggesting herpes.Some mild redness may be due to irritation or friction.Do not overclean or rub.Wear loose cotton innerwears.
Avoid friction.Clean the area with warm water twice daily.
You can get back for any clarification.
Thank you
Dr Bharatesh D Basti